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Individual Contributions

Mike Harrison Ken McLaren August Worchell

Don Cabron - Vocals & Guitar
Luiz Calyptico - Bass & Dark Vocals
Feliz Rompehielos - Guitar
Cornzales del Grano - Drums
El Chiste - Keyboards

This is the story of five friends, who we shall refer to as the 5 amigos for reasons that will unfold later. It all began in 2003 in the old mining town of Huasca de Ocampo, where the 5 amigos, all sons of German immigrants, went to the Catholic immigrant school, Santa Maria de Composto. These boys enjoyed an unusual reputation in their class: while the majority of their peers were predestined for diplomatic service, our heroes knew but one aim in life – music.

The foundation of their band, Ranchos Huevos, farmer's omelette in English, was a first step. A ban from the stage at the summer fete of their strictly conservative school caused a major altercation. The five friends' sinister metal-mex sound and lyrical allusions to the sexual behaviour of the priests who taught at the school ensured their immediate expulsion. The 5 amigos had no choice but to devote themselves to their music on a professional level. Ranchos Huevos wanted to tour. Small Mexican labels professed an interest in their work, but were not prepared to invest in their development. The band played gigs all over the country, rarely earning more than a sold-out barn and a few pesetas.

July 2004 saw the 5 amigos bust and at the end of their budding career; until one fateful summer night on Lake Pátzacuaro gave the story of our friends an entirely new twist. The consumption of rare mushrooms and several Tequilas were instrumental in hatching a dangerous plan: they decided to kidnap the champion bull, El Cavallo, during the traditional Corrida de Toros in the old silver town of Taxco, hoping to finance a promotional trip to Europe with the ransom. The plan seemed simple and ingenious enough. Never before had a bull been kidnapped in Mexico, so security measures were a little on the lax side during the corrida. Their coup worked out. El Cavallo was hidden in a cave near Tapalpa and the quintet demanded a 250,000 US dollar ransom for his release. Sadly, the 5 amigos were unaware that El Cavallo happened to be at the centre of a gigantic betting scandal, organised by the bosses of a Mexican drugs cartel. Before the five figured out just whom they had kidnapped, they were already on the country's most wanted list, with 500,000 US dollars on their heads. Which explains why this young band would prefer to remain anonymous.

With the help of several devoted fans, the friends left the country in the dead of night, fleeing the continent soon afterwards.

The 5 amigos met Drakkar Music's Bogdan Kopec at a Christmas festival in December 2004. Kopec was fascinated by their story and the amazing musical potential of these young German Mexicans and signed them for his label. That same night saw the birth of the concept of los LOS, as they decided to call themselves. International summer hits, presented in true metal-mex style, became their instant trademark. July 2005 saw the arrival of their first singe, "Vamos a la playa", causing a major stir on the scene. Every line sounds like a defiant, snotty WE'LL SHOW YOU!. It's obvious that the band's uncompromising attitude is more than merely a pose, it's the expression of their experiences.

Let's hope that los LOS' continuously growing reputation doesn't go all the way to Mexico, otherwise the band's numerous summer gigs would be visited not only by German fans but also by the owners of the bull who died of a snakebite only two days after our heroes' escape.

Find more out at www.loslos.com

or head to http://www.drakkar.de/loslos/