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Traditions Matter* 

by   Rockester

I am but a leaf and our past is the tree that nurtures me....

 Home Up Pattern Shoppe My Ebays this week Scrapbooking Page Kit Swaps Scrappers Challenge My Layouts Genealogy Home Organization Craft It Quick Cooking Quilting Gardening Knitting Rubber Stamping Holiday items Traditions Hobby BitMap Dolls

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Table of Contents


Pattern Shoppe:

Rockester's Scrapbooking  Article Archives






Scrapper's Inventory Notebook

My Ebays this week

My Layouts

pg 1

pg 2

Rockester's Monthly Page Kit Swap

Scrapper's Challenge Loop

Coloring Pages for Paper Piecing


Family Life: 


Genealogy and how to get started 

Home Organization

Crafting Pages:

Crafter's Prayer



Rubber Stamping

Holiday Ideas


Quick Cooking and Recipes



Scrapper's Inventory Notebook

Pages to Print

Create your own Scrapbooker's Inventory Notebook so that you can keep track of all your goals, pages, swaps, and purchases.  Keeping track of what you have and what you need is easier if it is all in one place.   Let's create some sections and some pages for a inventory binder or planner. It will take about one evening to get the Inventory Notebook together. 

Your headers for the major sections of the planner should contain the following dividers or tabs:  GOALS, SHOPPING, INVENTORY, IDEA AIDS, and OTHER.

Next, create blank pages for the various items below, just make them up within your favorite print shop program.  All you need is a title for the page and columns for a few basic items of data.  This will easily work for an 8.5x11 3 ring binder. Or design and print them two to a page with landscape mode on your printer.  This will fit most day planner page sizes. Once you make your own template in a print shop program you can print as many, or as few, as you need. We have pictures of many of these for examples. But make your own in the sizes and typeface fonts that YOU enjoy.  



Scrapping Goals -by year, month and week Goals Sheet.jpg (36112 bytes)

Pages Done this Year -month by month PagesCompletedLog2003.jpg (78368 bytes)

TO DO list- courtesy of Country Clipart by Lisatodolistbirdhouses.gif (16289 bytes)

Pages in Progress Concept sheet Pages%20In%20Progress%20sheet.jpg (64415 bytes)

Swap Participation- Rules, and Deadlines SwapDetails2.jpg (46375 bytes)

Contests- Rules, deadlines and note pages sent contests.jpg (38567 bytes)

Secret Pals/ RAKS- who and whenSwapRakpals.jpg (66201 bytes)



Shopping NEEDS and WANTS-for the next 20 pages ShopList%205.25x8.25.jpg (486241 bytes)

Store Info sheet- names, addresses, and Ph. #'s stores.jpg (169482 bytes)

Class Schedules, Conventions, and Retreats-  ClassConventionsheet.jpg (59328 bytes)

Coupon Caddy- Coral those weekly coupons! couponholder.jpg (60063 bytes)

Websites- urls and notes on service or idea archives WebPageSheet.jpg (51810 bytes)

Magazine Subscription- info and expirationMagazineSubInfoSheet.jpg (82015 bytes)




Idea Books I Own IdeaBooksI Own.jpg (91787 bytes)

Computer Scrapbook Software Inventory SoftwareCDInventorySheet.jpg (40134 bytes)

General Pen Inventory PenINventoryBlank.jpg (455048 bytes)

Zig Pen Inventory Sheet- courtesy of EK Success Zig%20Color%20Chart.jpg (109575 bytes)

Paper Inventory- * see note below Paper Inventory sheet.jpg (88084 bytes)

Page Additions Inventory- * see note below Page additions sheet.jpg (44833 bytes)

Shaped Template Inventory Border%20Ruler%20and%20Template%20Edge%20inventory%20sheet.jpg (49606 bytes)

Coluzzle Inventory- names Coluzzlesheet.jpg (68702 bytes)

ABC Lettering Templates- names and sample tracings lettering%20Template%20inventory%20sheet.jpg (24991 bytes)

Eyelet, Brad and Punch Inventory sheet * EyeletPunch%20Sheet.jpg (64857 bytes)

Fiber Inventory Sheet * 

Paper Piecing Pattern Inventory- theme and brand PaperPiecingPatternInventory%20sheet.jpg (71825 bytes)

Letter Die Cut  Inventory- Glue down a samplelettering%20Template%20inventory%20sheet.jpg (24991 bytes)

Scissor Inventory- sample of cut cardstock Decorative%20Scissor%20Inventory%20Sheet.jpg (13553 bytes)

Embossing Stencil Templates- names or samples

Ink Inventory- color swab samples and names Ink Inventory.jpg (40076 bytes)

Rubber Stamp Inventory- theme, brand, size, cost Stamp Log.JPG (34859 bytes)



Layout Sketches- think rough sketches IdeaSheetforScrappersNotebook.jpg (63994 bytes)

Magazine Ideas  (note magazine name & page) MagazineIdeaspage.jpg (90283 bytes)

Great Titles and Quotes- write it down! Quotes%20and%20Poems%20sheet.jpg (28483 bytes)


Timeline: Dates To Remember- create your own family timeline. This is invaluable! I use mine every time I crop. I also keep a laminated copy in my tote. 

 Timeline sheet.jpg (50298 bytes)


Index Page 'My Friends in this Album' FriendsIndexalbumpage.jpg (36139 bytes)



Address and Phone Book Address and Phone Book.jpg (45170 bytes)



* Note, I do NOT inventory my papers, stickers, or general non-lettering die cuts and most page additions because I think that is too time consuming for what it is worth and I use my 'extras' and my papers too fast for such a listing  to remain useful.

 Instead I keep my page additions in a binder by theme as seen here

and my papers in a hanging file by rainbow order of color.  I add them to my NEEDS list as I run low. I just keep track visually on these types of  inventory because paper and stickers are such a consumable commodity. But if you like, go ahead and make an inventory sheet for yours. Then add it to your own notebook


If you need more organizational help, check out Rockester's list Scrapper's Challenge: 



Happy Organizing!


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* TM Copyright  Traditions Matter 2003   
All rights reserved. No portion of this web page or its contents or articles may be reproduced without express written permission of Rockester.
Revised: February 24, 2003 .