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Sunday. Oktobr 31, 2004
Jolee in paradice

Well! Jolee sent a card from paridice. Tha hurrycane didn't git 'er! She sed that speshul tour price that she won iz worth it cuz she is havin' a ball on tha beech an there's plenty of room. Most peeple left because o tha hurrycane.

she lost most a her clothz tho! It wuz real windy in tha hurrycane when they got to the airport an her clothz blew out of 'er bagz cumin ta tha terminul. she ran ta ketch sum but tha pilut sed it wuz too dangerus.

She sez BillyRay is havin' fun. He keeps goin' to tha beech in his undershortz sinse his clothz blew off sumwhere. Tha peeple are lookin' at him so much. He sed he never seen so many peeple starin' at him bafor. He figgers he must be perty hansum. They sure do laff a lot down here. they seem like happy peeple. he thinks he mite stay.
Jolee thinks they will both be back tho.
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