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Hello and welcome to my site! This site serves many purposes for me. The first is that it is merely a site to let the world now about Marie Louise Vignolo. Although that may seem like the main purpose it's not. As of now I am thirteen years old. Which obviously means I don't have much of a career yet. But when I come of age I would like to be a web designer! This site is for the experience. Also because I make graphics, I would like to see my graphics used other than just on my own sites. I would very much like other people to use my graphics. This site includes my graphics and anyone is free to use them! This site also serves as links to the sites of my favorite bands, movies, actors, actresses, authors and any other type of celebrity or whatever that I happen to like. I also have links to my Vampire Freaks, Darkstarlings, DeviantArt, and Myspace. Thanks for taking the time to visit my site and enjoy!


About Me

Name: Marie Louise Vignolo
Current Age: 13
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bisexual
Location: Derry New Hampshire United States
Heritage: 100% Italian
Status: Single!

There is a lot that I could say about myself. I could sit here and bore you with every little detail of my existence... but you don't want that and quite frankly I don't want to take the time to type it all out. So I'll just stick to the basics I suppose... if there really are basics to Marie Vignolo. I suppose I should start off by saying that the way I sound so far on this website is not the way I am in person. I'm random, hyper, somewhat immature, and I can sometimes be rude because I'm so clouded by all of this. But then again I'm a kid right? RIGHT?!?!!? Right... now that we've established thaaaaat... I shall tell you a little bit more about me. The first is that I suck at life... I know I suck at life I admit it. I had the time to sit down and put this website together. Shouldn't a girl my age be out hanging with my friends? Of course I should but I don't. I'm also very confused. LOOK AT ALL THE PINK CUTENESS OF MY SITE... I'm not all pink fuzzy bunnies cuteness trust me. I WILL KICK YOUR ASS! Ahem moving on. I'm quite artistic... writing drawing painting all of that... there's further proof of that in my photo gallery. I'm also one of those people who you really have to get to know instead of just reading a profile. So stop reading this right now and click all the links and see who Marie Ze Lollypop really is! NOW BITCHES!


My Links ~ My Loves ~ My Essence


These are the links to all of the things that you must see. My Graphics, my friends, my photo gallery, my movies, my music, and my celebs. These things are the essence of me. Without one of these things I would fall apart. So without further ado, I give you... me.




My Celebs

My Graphics

My Movies

My Music

Photo Gallery

The Lollypop On The Web