What can I say I'm a bit of a camera whore. This isn't just pictures of me however this also has pictures that I have taken. I'm into photography and this is a way of making my work public to the world. Enjoy!
Oh boy don't I look sad? Hey it's my back yard...
Hey it's all black right there... -smirk-
Heh fuuuuunky Bluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuue
Hey it's the Cheshire Cat! Rooooooock
Steps.... yeah YAY PURDY FLOWERS!
Blury funkness THERE ARE THOSE COLORS AGAIN! -gasp-
Dreeeeaaaaam More dreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam
-pokes you- MY EYES ARE GONE!
COLORS! I'm bored...
COLOR MADNESS! Running mascara whoosh...
HmmmmmmMMmMMMmm Hey I'm in the car!