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(Continued from part VIII)

waiting to be rescued. After being rescued, she expressed her gratitude. The other door led to a study, cluttered with history books. Xortan Throg's spellbook was nowhere to be seen.
After the party gathered in the throne room and prepared, a fire sprang up in the fireplace, and an image of Xortan Throg's head was clearly visible.
"It seems I was wise to take precautions. As soon as I heard who was coming after me, I decided to absent myself from the scene of the action. Sorry about that, but I've been leagues away all along. That poor creature you killed was a mere simulacrum, an artificial being, animated by the force of my powerful sorcery. I am safe in my secret sanctum from which I will take my revenge upon by one...slowly and hideously. Heh - heh - heh!"
The wizard's face faded out amid cackling laughter leaving the party noting to do save mount the lizard and ride off into the sunset, in the hope that one day they will hunt down this foul evil - and destroy it.

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a fire sprang up in the fireplace, and an image of Xortan Throg's head was clearly visible...

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