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(Continued from part VII)

to live any longer!" Prince Barinjhar unsheathed his sword and advanced menacingly on the heroes.
Wasting no time, Grim Longbeard charged at him. His blow struck so mightily that it cut through the prince's armour as if it were nothing more than cloth. Prince Barinjhar slumped to the floor while the heroes turned their attention to Xortan Throg. Blade launched a volley of crossbow bolts at Xortan Throg. The sorcerer deflected them with a wave of his hand. Mordo unleashed a searing bolt of flame which was dispelled just as easily. Falkor Swiftblade advanced on Xortan Throg. The incense burners flared as Xortan cast a force bolt, injuring Falkor and throwing him to the ground. This gave Blade an idea. He turned his attention to the incense burners. Firing a well aimed crossbow bolt, the burner was dislodged. This seemed to drain Xortan Throg's power. Mordo Firestorm observed this effect, and launched a fire bolt from his fingertips at the other incense burner, which was incinerated in seconds. Delvar Ironfist also launched a fire bolt, this time the target being Xortan Throg himself. Unable to defend himself as his power drained away, all he could do was scream in agony as the fire bolt seared his flesh from his bones. Barely alive, the sorcerer attempted to cast a final spell before his demise, but it was all in vain. Xortan Throg slumped to the floor, a dagger protruding from between his shoulder blades as Deadeye made his presence known. The body dissolved before their very eyes, leaving nothing but the robe.
They kicked down the door that Prince Barinjhar entered form. It led into a bedroom. Princess Sarissa lay bound and gagged on the bed,

(Continued in part IX)

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Blade launched a volley of crossbow bolts at Xortan Throg. The sorcerer deflected them with a wave of his hand...

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