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Tower of the Sorcerer

Written by Wolfric

On a clear crisp morning, a column of mounted adventurers were deep in conversation as they rode on the beaten dirt path in the wood. The man at the head of the column called out,
"The entrance to the cavern draws near. Rescue my bride, Princess Sarissa, and destroy the evil that is Xortan Throg." One of the heavily clad figures replied,
"Have no fear, Prince Barinjhar. We are professional wizard killers. We'll get the job done."
"Wizard killing is all in a day's work!" added Mordo Firestorm, a thin, scrawny, sallow young man. His purple robes looked out of place, however, he was a valued member of the team for some time, due to his skillful use of sorcery and the arcane arts.
"Shh! You will alert the enemy to our passage with your incessant gibbering! We draw near to their location!" Prince Barinjhar's most trusted advisor exclaimed. Deadeye, a wayward thief who had one eye gouged out as punishment after an unsuccessful theft, noticed the path they were using was well beaten and used often. However, the adventurers had been told it was a deserted area of forest. Worse, he noticed a piece of tattered clothing snagged on a rock. Upon further inspection, it was revealed that it belonged to a goblin. He dismissed this, presuming that the forest had long been abandoned. Proceeding on foot, the six intrepid adventurers located the entrance to the sorcerer's tower in the base of a rocky crag. After lighting a lantern, they ventured ever onward into the murky black tunnel, stooping as it gradually became smaller. Toward the end, a cavern became visible. Proceeding, as they had no time to loose, they discovered to their dismay that they had been led into an ambush. This was de

(Continued in part II)

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Proceeding, as they had no time to loose, they discovered to their dismay that they had been led into an ambush...

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