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(Continued from part I)

noted by loud shrieks and more than a dozen muddy brown-green, short humanoids pointing and waving swords in the heroes' direction. Mordo was anxious to show what he could do. Despite his inexperience, he wasted no time in letting loose with a magical bolt of flame. It leapt from his fingers as he uttered the magical words, illuminating the cavern. This alone was enough to give one of the goblins severe burns, incinerating it instantly and setting it's clothes alight. This display of magical prowess was enough to force more than half the goblins to rout immediately, leaving Mordo to admire his handiwork.
Anyone for char grilled goblin?!" he exclaimed. One of the tougher members of the group, known only to his comrades as Blade, unsheathed a two-handed sword from a scabbard on his back and drove it so hard into a goblin that it tried to flee while still skewered on his long blade.
The dwarf, Grim Longbeard, attacked the goblins in a frenzy, his battle axe swung with a fervent zealousy fueled by his inherent burning hatred for all greenskins, be they goblins, orcs or trolls. The axe was swung with such vigor that it took four, fluid strokes to render a goblin a limbless torso.
Delvar Ironfist parried two blows skillfully with his longsword. He thrusted and slashed, leaving two disfiguring gashes on the goblin's face, leaving the goblin to literally hold his face together. Falkor Swiftblade parried a blow with his sword while uttering magical words simultaneously. An invisible bolt of force collided with a goblin with such force that an audible crack was heard as his skull fractured and jawbone shattered. Deadeye drew a dagger from his boot and took a defen

(Continued on part III)

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his battle axe swung with a fervent zealousy fueled by his inherent burning hatred...

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