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Welcome to the website for one of the many e-mail role playing games (or play by e-mail games) on Yahoo! Groups. This game takes place in Paris, 1831, and though most characters are based on the novel, there are some from the musical as well. Many characters are still free, and one of the links below will be able to tell you which ones are taken. The list parent has set a limit (four) on the number of characters an individual may play from the novel/musical simply because there are not that many to go around, and as many original characters as one wants to play/can handle.

Created characters, as indicated above, are more than welcome, though for the website, bios would be really helpful. Also I have been asking for bios for Hugo's characters as welll simply because he really didn't go into much detail with a good many of them. Here you can find the outline that used on all the other characters.

Now, onto the rest of the site!

What's New? (Last Update: January 25th, 2002)
Taken Characters
Forum Come talk about plotlines, characters, etc

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Disclaimer: Anyone/anything mentioned in Les Miserables (book, musical, movies, what have you) doesn't belong to us. Images were mostly gathered from numerous pages (these will in appear in the sections eventually), with the exception of Feuilly and Joly, whose pictures are my experimentations with a digital camera and the TAC video.