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News and Updates

January 25th, 2002 Taken characters've been updated, bios have been added, characters have been changed. Story So Far has been temporarily removed because it's too much of a hassle to try to keep it updated. Also, message has been sent to Yahoo! Groups harrassing current players to get into gear and send their characters' bios.

October 5th, 2001 Aiiiieee... it's been longer than I thought since I updated. And I thought going ten days was bad. Unfortunately I lost what I had updated of the Story So Far when I lost my hard drives. Hopefully I will be able to get these back sometime. Anyone who'd like to help me redo it in the meantime, please contact me. Anyway, characters have been updated, since we have two new ones, Feuilly has a new player, aaannnddd I added a link.

August 25th, 2001 I'm horrible, I know. I haven't updated in over ten days. *sniff* I will start updating regularly again soon, I promise. Anyway, I added a couple links, and I've finally finished updating the taken characters list. Whoohoo! Story So Far still needs to be revamped, but I will get to that as soon as I have a spare couple hours to sit down and work it all out.

August 14th, 2001 Wow. It's been awhile since updated last, hasn't it? It's going to take awhile to get everything back on track, I'm afraid. I uploaded a couple new bios today, all the taken characters, I believe, have been added. I'm planning on revamping the format for the Story So Far as soon as I get around to it.

July 13th, 2001 Story So Far's been updated and due to the hugeness of Day 3, I've split it into two parts.

July 10th, 2001 Okay, I actually started updating on Friday, but unfortunately, I didn't have a chance to finish. Story So Far has been updated up til very early Saturday morning, Joly's bio has been updated slightly (he has a first name and an eye colour now, yay!). Oooh! And we have a couple more characters added to the taken characters page!

June 28th, 2001 I'm never procrastinating an update ever, EVER again. Okay, I've been at this for over three and a half hours, and I think I got it all. Bios- Serge, Bastien and Joly (though Belle has yet to post) all have partially completed bios, and I changed Feuilly's picture so he's not Marius anymore. Story So Far is updated. We had a Cosette for about 24 hours, so the character's free again. Oh! And I finally got around to adding a small disclaimer to the bottom of the index page.

June 18th, 2001 NEWSFLASH! Les_MiserablesRPG has lost its original list owner, Claudette. Ownership has been turned over to myself (Jace) and while none of the rules have changed, this has freed up several characters. Also, Story So Far was updated and Phillipe and Eponine were added to Taken Characters.

June 14th, 2001 Story So Far was updated, character bios were updated (Sabine's and 'Parnasse's were completed, AND! We now have a forum for discussion of plots, characters, and various other list related stuff!

June 9th, 2001 Fixed the link to Laura's page, I closed it in the wrong place. Oops. Story So Far's been updated again, Sabine and 'Parnasse have active, but uncompleted bios

June 7th, 2001 Story So Far's been updated, Sabine and Montparnasse have been added as taken characters, new link to Laura's Javert Shrine as well.

June 1st, 2001 Story So Far, again and character locations.

May 29th, 2001 Story So Far's been updated, and believe me, it took ages, too!

May 24th, 2001 Added Grantaire.

May 23rd, 2001 Updated character locations, and Story So Far.

May 19th, 2001 Added Alex to taken characters. Updated Enjolras's and Adrienne's bio as well. Day 2 of the Story So Far has been finished and we're onto the Night Of The Raid.

May 10th, 2001 Took Allison-Marie's characters off the Taken Character chart. Sorry to lose you!

May 8th, 2001 Lots of stuff to update this time! Story So Far again, Taken Characters, Laigle and Combeferre have bios, though Combeferre's isn't even close to complete. Index page was updated too- Claudette's gone and changed rules reguarding character limits, which frankly, I have no argument against. New link added too. I think that's everything.

May 4th, 2001 For a third time, not much was added (am I the only one seeing a trend here?). Just updated the Story So Far a bit to keep too many reposts from being made when the game becomes active again. Oh yes, and because I forgot before, Marie-Noelle has had her GCDR certificate added.

April 30, 2001 Yet AGAIN, not much was added, unfortunately. Two links which I suggest everyone check out, new character who has yet to be posted for was added, and Enjolras and Courfeyrac have their GCDR certificates at the bottom of their bios.

April 21, 2001 Once again, not much to add. Still planning to seperate Day Two further, but no one's been posting so it's a little hard to update the Story So Far when there's been no advances. A new link was added (hooray!) though. I've given some thought to expanding further and adding a message board for offlist discussion/plotting and feedback.

April 13, 2001 Not much added... Just updated Day Two of the Story So Far. I've made tentitive plans to seperate Day Two further and have a seperate page just for what's going to happen that night.

April 11, 2001 Guestbook added. Hurray! Site's also been submitted to a handful of search engines. I'm starting to feel a bit better about that counter. Won't change it until I see a free one I like better on someone else's page. On top of that, I've also finished Enjolras's bio.

April 10, 2001 Story So Far was updated- Day One is totally finished- I'm not touching it again unless I do a complete overhaul. Have started work on Day 2, and what's been posted is currently up. More characters were added to the bottom of the Taken Characters section, and will have bios once people send me the neccessary information and start posting. Some locations of characters in their individual pages have been updated as well. Also, since Angelfire keeps wanting to change some of the cases of my links on me, I've gone through and changed all the file names, except for the pictures to lowercase. Very time consuming! Added a counter, too, but I don't particularly like it. Will likely change it later.

April 6, 2001 Feuilly now has a picture, and Courfeyrac's information is complete. Further editions to the Taken Character Page since I forgot to add a couple who haven't been posted for yet. Oops. All fixed now, though. Be forewarned, the Story So Far is subject to final editing once Day One is completely finished. Also, broken links going from individual character pages back to the character index have been fixed. Somewhere along the line the capital C's all got changed to little ones.

April 5, 2001 Creation of the site. Everything's new! Day One of the Story So Far is almost completed, and when that happens, I'll start work on Day Two.

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