Big Brother 3 :University Edition Challenges


Make The Most Of It

This final Challenge to become Head of Household, and be one of the Final Two is as follows :
You must make as many words out of the phrase "University Edition" as you can.

All letters can only be used once, unless they are used twice in the Phrase given. You do not have to use all of the letters.

Once you make one word, start again using the same letters you started with i.e The Phrase word is "Tiger", I can make "rig", "tire", "rite", and "tie" out of that word.

You have until Tuesday at 2:00 pm(Atlantic) to submit as many words as you can. You must have ONE numbered list of all of your words, and all of your words must be found on . Good Luck, you'll need it.

Winner : Lauren


Name That Tune

Here are the words to some songs. The first of you to tell Big Brother the TITLES of as many as you can, is the new Head of Household, and in the Final Three. Good Luck.

1) "I didn't know what was wrong with me,
'till your kiss helped me name it."

You Make Me Feel Like A Natural Woman

2)"What's the problem? Let's resolve, we can solve, what's the cause?
it's official, you've got issues, I've got issues, but I know I miss you"

We Need A Resolution

3)"Early in the morning risin' to the street Light me up that cigarette
and I strap shoes on my feet Got to find a reason a reason things went
wrong Got to find a reason why my money's all gone"

What I Got

4)"To all those people doing lines, don't do it, don't do it.
Inject your soul with liberty, it's free, it's free. "


5)"I'm sleeping And right in the middle of a good dream like all
at once I wake up From something that keeps knocking at my brain "

I Think I Love You

6)"You say you want to see the city lights, 'cause they shine so bright and they're calling you"

Think It Over

Winner : Lauren

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Picture Perfect

Houseguests, this Challenge requires keen eyes. Click on the link below and identify which of the Nine pictures corresponds with the Four Images. The Four images are pieces of four of the pictures. Each image is a small part of a picture.

Winner : Lauren

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Spelling Bee

In this Challenge, houseguests, you must unscramble these two words. However, you must be the first three to do so by 6:00 pm Atlantic Time tonight. At roughly 6:00, Big Brother will then announce the three finalists for this Round's Head of Household. One more word will be given, and the first person to send it in the Big Brother, wins.

Webber cannot participate

uaychrn = Raunchy

eripmu = Umpire

Aimee, Leslie, and Matt were then given this clue :

The final results were :

Winner : Aimee

Get A Clue

A murder is afoot in an entirely different house, the Body mansion. The Six suspects from the classic Board Game Clue are inside the house, and one of them has murdered Mr. Body. Using the Clues below, find out who was in which room, and which weapon they had. You have been tipped off as to which weapon was used : The Knife. Once you find out what everyone had, you can then determine who the murderer is. There is only one person in each room, and one person per weapon : no one shares. The first one to name the murderer wins! Good Luck!

There are Six Rooms : Ballroom, Billiard Room, Study, Hall, Kitchen, and Library.

1) The six suspects are : Miss Scarlet(1), the one who used the Rope(2), the one in the Billiard Room(3), Col. Mustard(4), the one in the Kitchen(5), and the one who used the wrench(6).
2) The three women are : the one who used the rope(1), the one in the Kitchen(2), and the one who used the Candlestick.(3)
3) Mrs. Peacock was in the Study.
4) Mr. Green had the lead pipe. Col. Mustard wasn't in the Hall.
5) The Candelstick, Lead Pipe, and Rope were not in the Hall.
6) The three men are : the one with the lead pipe(1), the one in the Hall(2), and the one in the Library(3)
6) The man with the Pistol was not the one in the Study.

Use this chart to help you :

If you need help doing this Challenge

Winner : Webber

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Reality TV Challenge

Since you 12 have now made your own impact on the world of Reality television, you had better know the other people who are reaching for fame along with you. Every answer is a contestant on a different Reality television show. The same rules apply as usual, whoever gets the most correct first is the new Head of Household. Good Luck. The challenge is due at noon on the 20th.

1) Who is the eigth person voted out of Survivor 1?
2) Who was the second person executed by the Mole (Season 1)?
3) On Temptation Island, Shannon's boyfriend was _____________. Billy's girlfriend was ______________.
4) On Big Brother 2 (tv show), who won Head of Household twice?
5) On Survivor 2, who never recieved a vote against him/her?
6) On Mole 2, who is from Selden, New York?
7) On Survivor:Africa, what is the first name of Miss. Camacho?
8) Who Is The Mole? (season 1)
9) This Survivor : Australian Outback contestant posed for "Stuff" magazine for free.
10) Who won Big Brother 1?

Winner : Matt

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Let's See That Resume...

This Challenge lets you pick your own Head of Household. Sort of. What you do is make a list of the seven names of your current housemates (disclude former Head of Household Shannon and yourself) and put in order from the one you think would make the best Head of Household, to the one who would be worst. All you have to do is send Big Brother 7 names, in a verticle list.

The winner will be decided like so...

The pairings are as above. All were selected randomly. On each houseguest's list, whoever is ranked highest will receive a vote. Then the one with the most votes moves on to the next section of voting. DO NOT vote for each pairing individually. Whoever is at the top of the most lists will be the new Head of Household. Good Luck.

Note: Shannon cannot participate.

Winner : Sarah

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Knowing Me, Knowing You

This next Challenge is already half over. Each of you have filled out a short survey. Based on the 10 current Houseguests answers, including your own, determine the correct answers to the following questions :

#1 - Which Is The Most Popular Answer?

If you were stranded on a Desert Island, which item would you take with you?
a) pillow b) blanket c) razor d) beer

#2 - Which Is The Most Popular Answer?

If you caught a friend stealing from another friend, you would :
a) in secret, tell the friend who is stealing that you know they did it and they should give it back
b) in secret, tell the other friend that they have just been robbed, but not tell them who.
c) in secret, tell the other friend that their friend just stole from them, and use the theif's name.
d) make a scene and accuse the theif of stealing.

#3 - How Many Houseguests Chose Alicia?

If you could have an alliance with any "Survivor" castaway, it would be :
a) Colby b) Rudy c) Jenna d) Alicia

#4 - How Many People Chose A Live Worm?

4) If I was forced, I would rather eat :
a) a goat's eyeball b) a bull's testicle c) a live worm d) a cow's brain

The Goal of this challenge is to get the lowest score possible. In Questions 1 & 2, a score of 0 is given for the most popular answer, 1 for the second most, 2 for the third, and 3 for the least. In Questions 3 & 4, your score will be how far you are from the correct answer.EX : The Answer is 7, you said 5, you get 2 points. In case of a tie, the Head Of Household will be the one who sends their answers in first. Good Luck.

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Winner : Shannon

University Time

Alright, the next challenge will take a small amount of internet research. You must put the following universities in chronological order according to the date they were founded from earliest to latest. Take note, that you must use the date that the University was either "Established" or "Founded" under it's current name. The first person to send all six Universities in the correct order is the new Head of Household.

Sarah Cannot Participate, She Was Head Of Household In The Previous Round.

The Universities :

Saint Francis Xavier
University Of Alberta
Mount Allison
University Of Prince Edward Island

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Winner : Leslie

Summer Blockbusters

Houseguests, your first challenge is an easy one. Each hint given is describing a movie that was in theatres this summer. Simply name all four movies, and be the first one to e-mail it to , and you are the first Head of Household. You will be the only person completely safe from being the first houseguest voted out. You will also Mark two of your fellow housemates for banishment, and let the rest of the house decide who will leave. Good Luck!

Windmill Musical

Everybody do the Dinosaur
Everybody do the Dinosaur
Everybody do the Dinosaur

The Momma's Back

Find the Underwater Town

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Winner : Sarah