Ramble One: Andy's Revenge

The entire ramble cast enters the ramble room. Hiro is carrying a strange concoction that he cooked up at lunch one day.

Andy: Weeeeelllll, I guess I'll try it.

Entire FF7 cast: Yeah!!! Do it! Do it!

Hiro: *quietly, to himself* Yes, drink up, foolish mortal. For it is this drink that will bring about your ultimate demise. *snicker*

Andy: What the hell are you snickering about???

Hiro: Oh, nothing, just something about an evil Wak Wak. Anyway, I'll give you a dollar if you drink this.

Andy: Really? Sweet! That sweetens the deal even more!

Vincent: How was the deal sweet before?

Cid: Shhh, this is gonna get good.

Vincent: Hmmm....

Andy: Well, here goes nothing. *takes glass from Hiro, and swallows the whole thing in one big gulp*

Reno: Wha?! How the hell did you swallow the glass?

Andy: I don't know, must be some grammatical error.

Reno: Oh, okay.

Suddenly, Andy turns purple

Andy: What the hell???

Hiro: Ha ha ha! I have defeated you once again!

Andy: By turning me purple?!

Aeris: Awww, he looks so cute.

Andy: *frantically* Ahhh! You bastard! Turn me back right now you son of a bitch!

Hiro: No.

Andy: Yes!

Hiro: No!

Andy: YES!

Hiro: NO!


Hiro: ~_^ Uh huh....

Andy: Oh, well. You win. *Andy accepts the fact that he will have to be purple for the rest of his life*

Hiro: Ha! Of course I win, for I am Hiro!

Andy: *quietly, to himself* Ha, you think you've really won, do you? Well let's just see what you have to say about THIS!

Hiro: Hmm?


Hiro: NOOOOO, I'm being consumed by the Jewness!

Hiro becomes a pile of ashes

Andy: Finally, I've won!

Hiro: No you haven't.

Andy: Yes, I have. Wait a second! How the hell are you talking?

Hiro: My consciousness is still here, fool.

Andy: ???

Hiro: Now you will face my ultimate wrath!

A portal opens in front of everyone

Barret: Shi't! What the hell is this?

???: Gwahahahahaha, now you will all perish.

A large red creature, approximately eight feet tall, steps through the three foot tall portal. He gets stuck around the waist, but eventually manages to squeeze through. He has large black horns protruding from a goat-like head. He is rippling with muscles. Everything about him is demon-like, except that he is wearing a pink tu-tu and a party hat

Everyone in room: Bwaahahahahahahahahahaha! Hahahaha! HA HA HA!

Demon: You dare laugh at me? I am a demon from the sixth layer of hell!

Yuffie: Apparently, demons from the sixth layer of hell like to cross dress and go to children's birthday parties.

Demon: You got a problem with that, girl?

Yuffie: *sweatdrop* Uh, no, not at all, Mr. Demon ma'am sir.

Demon: Damn straight. Now I will summon my minions to destroy Andy.

A large tree with legs steps through the portal, followed by two men who appear to be in the midst of an arguement. The tree is of the Wak Wak variety, a species of tree known to live somewhere in the third layer of hell, as well as Southern Asia

First man: I'm tellin' ya Hal, it's an EVIL Wak Wak.

Second man, apparently called Hal: No, I don't think so Gene. I think we should just give it a chance. Maybe it's just a misunderstood Wak Wak.

Wak Wak: Yeah, give me a chance.

Everyone but Wak Wak: Wha???

Cid: Did that #$^$%& tree just talk or am I just getting old?

Reno: Heh, sounds like a trick question to me. But, to answer your question, Cid, yes the damn tree did just talk.

Vincent: Yep, it does look like that #$^$%& tree did just talk.

Cloud: What'd you say Vincent?

Vincent: Nothing.

Cloud: Oh, okay. *continues staring at the nothingness inside his head*

Hal: Where the hell are we?

Gene: Yeah! That's what I wanna know.

Wak Wak: Yeah!

Andy: Well, it's kinda hard to explain...

Demon: No it isn't. I was summoned here by Hiro; and my minions, Hal, Gene, and Wak Wak were summoned here by me, you fool.

Yuffie: Uhh, guys?

Andy: Hey, watch who you call a fool, buddy!

Yuffie: Guys...?

Demon: What are you gonna do about it, little man?

Yuffie: GUYS!

Good guys: WHAT??!

Yuffie: Has anyone noticed that there is a large hole in the side of that Wak Wak tree? And the cheap, paper-like quality of the bark? And the fact that the leaves are made entirely of play-doh and bacon fat? Also, the fact that there is a face sticking out of the hole? Hmm, I see thick glasses, pointy nose, and black unwashed hair. Does that fit the description of anyone we know?

Tifa: Hojo?!

Wak Wak: Ha ha ha. Exactly. It's about time one of you fools finally figured it out! I've been fooling you all along! How stupid you must feel, knowing that all this time I was right under your noses! Hah, ahahahah, gag, cough, weez.

Rude: But, you've only been here for three minutes and forty-two seconds.

Hojo/Wak Wak: Quiet you!

Rude: ...

Vincent: HOJO, DAMN YOU!!!

Vincent transforms into Chaos, and Satan Slams Hojo back into the third layer of hell

Hojo/Wak Wak: NOOOOOOOOO!!!

Vincent reverts to human form

Vincent: Well, that takes care of that.

Tifa: Ummm, Vincent, how did you have a limit break when Hojo didn't even hit you?

Vincent: I don't know, I guess that Supernova Sephiroth did in that last battle all those months ago really pissed me off. I just pretended I was back there and I turned into Chaos.

Hiro's Final Attack-Revive finally kicks in, and in a puff of smoke, Hiro is standing before everyone

Andy: No! I killed you dammit!

Hiro: Andy, I'm disappointed in you. You should know that no one in the world of FF7 ever dies, with the exception of Aeris, Tseng, the Sephiroth Clones, and everyone in Nibelheim and Sector 7. You should also know that I carry around a Final Attack-Revive with me just in case you try that Flaming Jew move on me when I'm not expecting it. *turns to Demon* Well, I don't need you anymore. *snaps fingers, and Demon fades back into the sixth layer of hell*

Demon: I'll get you for this!

Hiro begins casting silence

Demon: Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not the day after tomorrow, or even the day after that! But I'll get you sometime this week! Just you wait, you'll never expect it mfmfph.

Yuffie: Never expect it mfmfph?

Demon: Mfmfph mnph. MFPH!

Hiro: Hah, that ought to teach you never to make idle threats. All I had to do was cast silence on you, and it made you shut up! Hah ha hmph! Hmph? Hmph hmph!

Andy: Hah hah! Now I've casted Silence on you! Hah, hahahahahahaha!

Hiro: *thinking* The one day I leave my Ribbon at home....

Vincent: Wow, Andy actually beat Hiro. Now maybe we can all escape this god-forsaken web site.

Cid: Hell yeah!

Reno: Let's go!

The ramble room erupts in cheers, as everyone except for Hiro, Andy, Hal, and Gene try to escape through the one tiny door. Then they notice the figure standing in front of the door

Reno: NOOOOOO!!!

Vincent: My god!

Cid: Holy Shit!

Cloud: *continues staring at nothingness*

Tifa: What are we gonna do?

Yuffie: Who laid one?

Everyone: *glare at Yuffie*

Yuffie: What? It smells!

Just then the figure blocking the door steps forward, and Hiro and Andy realize that the Farting Bum is standing in front of them

Andy: Ahh!

Hiro: Mph!

FB: *evil cackle* Now you will all realize the true power of the Farting Bum!

The Farting Bum pulls out the Stench materia and begins casting a spell. Instantly, the room is enveloped in a terrible smell

Yuffie: Why, oh why Farting Bum? *gag*

FB: It is because I have been ridiculed my whole life. Everyone laughs at me. All because of what HE *points finger at Hiro* did to me in first grade. Now I have come to take my revenge on him, and if it means taking you all down with me, then so be it.

Andy casts Esuna on Hiro

Hiro: Thanks man.

Andy: Any time.

Hiro: Okay, now let's see what we can do about the Farting Bum.

Andy: Hmm, what can we do about the Farting Bum?

FB: Yes, what can you do about the Farting Bum? Err, dammit! My name's not "Farting Bum"!

Hiro: Your name is whatever I decide for it to be!

Andy: Stop arguing and let's get this smell out of here!

Andy uses Manipulate on FB and FB turns around and starts flashing blue

FB: Mm?

Andy casts Stop on Hiro

Hiro: Hmm?

Andy make FB knock Hiro to the ground with his pinky finger

Hiro: ...

Andy makes FB squat over Hiro's face, and Hiro's eyes widen in horror as he realizes what Andy is doing

Cid: *to Vincent* Heh, I told you it was gonna get good.

Vincent: I don't think this is going to be a good thing.

Yuffie hands out gas masks that she stole from the Underwater Reactor to everyone but Reno

Reno: Hey, give me one!

Yuffie: Sorry, not enough.

Reno: Oh, crap! Rude, give me yours!

Rude: The hell you say! Go get your own damn mask!

Everyone: *looks at Rude*

Rude: ...

Andy gives the command for the Farting Bum to fire. The Farting Bum charges his ultimate fart attack

Reno: Incoming!!!!!!!

The Farting Bum releases the longest fart this world has ever known. It lasts for two minutes and forty-five seconds. Reno is hiding in the corner, hands over his head, as if the world was ending. The Farting Bum is still squatting, but he is obviously exhausted from the ultimate fart attack. Hiro has no head. Everyone but Yuffie removes their gas masks, and immediately puts them back on

Tifa: Oh my god!

Vincent: 'Tis the worst smell this world has ever known!

Yuffie: Why the hell do you think I gave you the gas masks, you idiots!

Rude: *nudges Reno* Hey buddy, it's over. *nudges Reno harder* Get up man! *pokes Reno in the shoulder, and Reno collapses into a pile of dust.* Oh my god! *glares at FB* You killed Reno!

Andy: Yeah, he also killed Hiro, but nobody seems to have noticed yet that his head is missing.

Rude: Who cares about Hiro, what about Reno??!

Andy casts Life2 on the pile of dust in the corner. Reno materializes from the dust and stands up. He glares at Andy

Reno: You...bastard! You were the one manipulating him! You bastard! Hmm...I know just the way to punish you.

Andy: Punish me??? Why me?

Reno: Oh, Sephyyyyyyyyyyyy.....

Sephiroth appears in a puff of smoke

Sephiroth: You dare call me Sephy?!

Reno: Good. Now that I've got your attention, look what Andy did to Hiro. *points at Hiro's headless cadaver*

Sephiroth makes a high-pitched squeal

Reno: Don't you think you should punish him?

Sephiroth: ...!!!

Reno: Well?

Andy: I...think I'm gonna get out of here before he comes to his senses.

Andy runs toward the door. Sephiroth teleports in front of the door and Andy runs into him, falls down, and gets halfway up before he kneels down again and kisses Sephiroth's feet

Sephiroth: Oh, I always have my senses, you fool.

Andy: Dah!

Sephiroth: I was simply contemplating whether to kill you like this...

He pulls out the Masamune and shoves it through Aeris's chest, killing her instantly

Sephiroth: ...or by simply banishing you to a barren planet and summoning Meteor to it.

Andy: Oh, please spare me great Sephiroth! I'll be your servant forever!

Sephiroth: Silence, fool!

Andy cringes in fear

Sephiroth: Hmm...now, how should I take care of this imbecile?

Suddenly, in a move as quick as lightning, Andy takes the Masamune from Sephiroth and shoves it through his chest

Sephiroth: It...can't...be!

Andy: Oh, it can be, and it is.

Sephiroth: You...fool. You know I can't be killed.

Andy: We'll see about that.

Andy begins casting W-Summon Knights of the Round

Andy: This will take care of you!

Sephiroth is transported to another dimension where he is repeatedly hacked away at by 26 knights. He finally reappears after about three and a half minutes

Sephiroth: ...Ouch.

Andy: What??? That nearly killed you in the final battle.

Andy begins casting Quadra Magic-Ultima

Andy: This will finish you off!

A cloud of green is accompanied by the sound of a huge explosion, which envelopes Sephiroth...four times

Yuffie: He'll never survive that.

Sephiroth: *standing behind Yuffie* Oh, yes he will.

Yuffie: No he won't!

Sephiroth: Yes, he will. *Clears throat loudly so that Yuffie will turn around and look at him*

Yuffie: I'm tellin' ya Hal, he can't survive that!

Sephiroth: I'm not Hal, dammit! Look at me you stupid girl!

Yuffie turns around

Yuffie: Oh, hey Sephy. Sephy?!

Sephiroth: You dare call me Sephy?

Yuffie: Oh, ummm, I mean...Oh, hey Sephiroth. Sephiroth?!

Sephiroth: That's better. Yes, it is I Sephiroth. Heh, Andy's gonna have a cow when he realizes that I'm standing right here.

Andy finishes casting the Ultimas. His face is dripping with sweat and he collapses to the floor in exhaustion. Sephiroth slowly walks to where his Masamune is laying on the ground and picks it up

Sephiroth: Only death awaits you now, Andy.

Barret: Oh, no. He's pullin' that shit again.

Sephiroth throws Barret a black look. Barret throws Sephiroth an even blacker look, literally

Sephiroth: Okay man, you win. Anyway, I'm gonna kill Andy now.

Sephiroth walks over to where Andy is laying on the floor

Andy: I...have...finally...defeated...Sephiroth...

Sephiroth: Oh no you haven't.

Andy: Yes I have.

Sephiroth: NO, you haven't.

Andy: YES, I HAVE!

Sephiroth: Dammit, you fool! Look at me!

Andy looks to where the voice is coming from and his eyes widen in horror, much as Hiro's eyes before the Farting Bum released his attack


Sephiroth holds Masamune above Andy's chest, point down

Sephiroth: You should have known that you couldn't defeat me, weakling.

Andy: *Ultimate sweat drop* Crap.

Sephiroth brings up the Masamune and begins to bring it back down.


Sephiroth stops dead in his tracks, apporoximately .03 inches from Andy's chest

Andy: Phew!

Hiro: What do you think you're doing?

Sephiroth: Why, I was simply avenging your dead spirit.

Hiro: Really? Sweet! Well, you need not avenge me any longer, for my head grew back halfway through your battle with Andy. It was much too entertaining to stop you two, so I let you continue. Now, however, I think that Andy deserves a much better punishment than simply being impaled on your long, hard sword.

Sephiroth: What do you have in mind?

Hiro: *Hiro's evil grinŠ* Something excrutiatingly evil.

Sephiroth: Heh heh heh. Excellent.

Hiro and Sephiroth erupt in evil laughter

Reno: Those two are really messed up in the head.

Cid: Yep. Really %$^@^ messed up.

Hiro and Sephiroth stop their evil laughter. They gather rope and begin tying Andy up

Andy: No! What the hell are you doING?!

Sephiroth: Sorry, hand slipped.

Andy is cringing in pain from smashed ball syndrome

Hiro: Good job, Seph.

Sephiroth: Thanks.

Sephiroth and Hiro carry Andy out of the room

Tifa: Where do you think they're taking him?

Vincent: I don't know, but it's probably gonna suck for him.

Andy is sitting in front of a TV, where Sephiroth and Hiro are playing their second favorite game, Mog House: Arcade Edition Gold Plus Turbo, on Playstation. Hiro is kicking Sephiroth's ass

Sephiroth: Dammit! How the hell are you beating me in a one-player game?

Hiro: I'm just that good.

Andy: ...

Hiro: What do you think Andy?

Andy: Well, the first twenty-four times, it looked pretty close. After the fifty-sixth, I thought Sephiroth actually had a chance. But now, the hundred forty-second time, I'm sure that you are the Ultimate Mog House Champion.

Hiro: Sucking up won't do you any good, you know.

They start playing another game



OK, first off a disclaimer. Neither Andy nor I have anything against Jews. Andy wrote this, and he is Jewish, so he's allowed to say stuff like that. Also, neither of us have anything against black people. They just have that look... you know.... that look they give white people when they act stupid. You know what I'm talking about!! Second off, some explanations. The Wak Wak tree actually is a tree that grows in Southern Asia, and long ago, people used to think that the tree could spontaneously generate human children, as if they were fruits of the tree. I learned about it in my Biology class last year, and when I told Andy, we both cracked up at the name. Then, one day, completely out of the blue, he said "I'm tellin 'ya Hal, it's and EVIL Wak Wak!". Gene appeared later on in the ramble we like to call real life, and it kinda went on from there. As for the fahtass part of Andy's limit break, that's what we call each other a lot. It's pronounced "fuh tah ss". It's just an alternative pronounciation of fatass. Also, about the part where I gave Andy the concoction that turned him purple. Last year, at lunch (in school, obviously) my friends and I would make all kinds of weird, disgusting things, and we'd pay this kid to eat them. He had quite a racket going, as we all did this every day. He could get up to four bucks a day. And one more thing. That part about being impaled on Sephiroth's long, hard sword..... well, Andy was trying to make that sound perverted, even though it wasn't. Oh yeah, if you haven't read the Farting Bum story yet, then please read it here. OK, so now that I got that out of the way, what did you think? Funny and long as hell, ne? Feel free to send any comments to either me or Andy, but please don't flame us about the things I just disclaimed about. That's what the disclaimer is there for, to prevent unnecessary flames. Anyway, stay tuned for the next exciting episode of "The Incessant Ramblings of Hiro and Andy"! Until then, ja!

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