Hiro: Welcome to the Miscellaneous page. Here you can find any assorted things that I feel like posting here that doesn't fit anywhere else on the site. That is, it will in the future. Right now, it really only has a couple of rambles from the old site.
Andy: That's it? You lazy fatass. You better damn well have the ramble I wrote.
Hiro: Of course. And what are you doing here? Are you gonna be on, like, every page or something?
Andy: *shrugs* I dunno. Maybe.
Hiro: Don't you have anything better to do than sit here and make fun of me on my site?
Andy: Probably, but this is so much more entertaining.
Hiro: Grr... Anyway, as you can see, rambles 1 and 2 have been taken off, and ramble 3 has been changed to ramble 1. But hey, there's a new mini-ramble, and a new 5-part ramble by Cap Cid Highwind, and it's funny as hell (not to imply that hell is funny, mind you; it's just an expression, dammit!)! Go read it right now!
The Farting Bum Story
Ramble 1: Andy's Revenge
Ramble 2: Red XIII's Quest
What the #%$&^?!, part 1
What the #%$&^?!, part 2
What the #%$&^?!, part 3
What the #%$&^?!, part 4
What the #%$&^?!, part 5