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---Disc 1---

01 - Prelude
02 - Opening - Bombing Mission
03 - Mako Reactor
04 - Anxious Heart
05 - Tifa's Theme
06 - Barrett's Theme
07 - Hurry!
08 - Lurking in the Darkness
09 - ShinRa Company
FF Alpha
FF Online
FF Shrine
FF Legends
Eyes On FF
FF Net
Dan's FF9
10 - Fighting
11 - Fanfare
12 - Flowers Blooming in the Church
13 - Turks Theme
14 - Underneath the Rotting Pizza
15 - Opressed People
16 - Honeybee Inn
17 - Who Are You?
18 - Don of the Slums
19 - Infiltrting ShinRa Tower
20 - Still More Fighting
21 - Red XIII's Theme
22 - Crazy Motorcycle
23 - Holding My Thoughts in My Heart

---Disc 2---

01 - FFVII Main Theme
02 - Ahead On Our Way
03 - Good Night, Until Tomorrow
04 - On That Day, Five Years Ago
05 - Farm Boy
06 - Waltz de Chocobo
07 - Electric de Chocobo
08 - Cinco de Chocobo
09 - Chasing the Black-Caped Man
10 - Fortress of the Condor
11 - Rufus's Welcoming Ceremony
12 - It's Difficult to Stand on Both Feet, Isn't It?
13 - Trail of Blood
14 - J-E-N-O-V-A
15 - Continue
16 - Costa Del Sol
17 - Mark of the Traitor
18 - Mining Town
19 - Gold Saucer
20 - Cait Sith's Theme
21 - Sandy Badlands

---Disc 3---

01 - Cosmo Canyon
02 - LifeStream
03 - Great Warrior
04 - Descendant of Shinobi
05 - Those Chosen By The Planet
06 - The Nightmares Beginning
07 - Cid's Theme
08 - Steal the Tiny Bronco!
09 - Wutai
10 - Stolen Materia
11 - Chocobo Racing-Place your Bets
12 - Fiddle de Chocobo
13 - A Great Success
14 - Tango of Tears
15 - Debut
16 - Interrupted by Fireworks
17 - Forested Temple
18 - You Can Hear the Cries of the Planet
19 - Aeris's Theme
20 - Buried in the Snow
21 - The Great Northern Cave
22 - Reunion
23 - Who Am I?

---Disc 4---

01 - ShinRa Army Wages A Full Scale Attack
02 - Weapon Raid
03 - Highwind Takes To the Skies
04 - A Secret, Sleeping in the Deep Sea
05 - Parochial Town
06 - On The Edge Of Despair
07 - On the Other Side of the Mountain
08 - Hurry Faster!
09 - Sending A Dream Into The Universe
10 - The Countdown Begins
11 - If You Open Your Heart...
12 - The Mako Cannon Is Fired
13 - Judgement Day
14 - Jenova Absolute
15 - The Birth of a God
16 - One Winged Angel
17 - World Crisis
18 - Staff Roll