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HM64 Photos


Harvest Moon SNES

The Girls
The Story

Harvest Moon GB/GBC

Screen Shots
The Story

Harvest Moon GB/GBC 2

Screen Shots

Harvest Moon GB/GBC 3

Box Art

Harvest Moon 64

Meet the Girls
The Story
Screen Shots
Photo Album
House Extensions
Livin Lavida Loca!
Gameshark Codes

Harvest Moon:Back to Nature

The Girls
Gameshark Codes
The Story

Harvest Moon for Girl

Meet the Guys


You and your Grampa
You already have this!

Winner at the Swim Meet

This is one of the easiest photos to get. You can get this photo in the second year too. All you have to do is tap the A button fast to beat all of those wannabes. And then they take a picture of You and all of the wannabes!

Maria's Photo
This photo can wait untill the second year to save stress. In the first year, Maria will visit at 6pm one night in Summer after her heart has turned yellow, you have had the dream about her and visited the library to talk to her about the fairy tale book. The date varies because it depends on when you accomplish these things so you will want to be home every night at 6pm waiting for her once you have these things done..This event will NOT happen if it is raining. Go ahead and wish to the goddess for good weather or you can just wait for this next nice day.

Karen's Photo
This is the hardest girl photo of them all! To get this photo in Fall in the first year before your Father visits you have to, Get the Door to Heaven from the bartender. Be friends with the harvest sprites so they tell you about the old wine, the Spirit Tree and to make a wish at the Goddess Pond. Make an offering of veggies or an egg at the Goddess Pond and wish for waking the grapevine. Go with the Goddess to the vineyard and waken the grapevine and ask for the fairies to return. Get Karen's heart to at least yellow before Fall. Have the dream about her. Visit Karen at the vineyard and get locked in the wine cellar with her. Get a note in the mail from Karen saying 'it's harvest time'(some time the first week of Fall), Have the Goddess dream the night of Autumn 6 telling you the grape harvest will be good again. Be home at 6pm on Autumn 7 (the night before the harvest) when Karen visits and asks you to come to the vineyard with her and agree to go. Dam-!

Elli's Photo
This photo must be taken the first year. :P Elli will visit at 6pm Autumn 9, the night of the special full moon, to invite you to join her after her heart has turned yellow, you have had the dream about her and you have entered the area of Flower Bud Village where the library or Potion Shop is located and witnessed the cinema of May and Stu playing house. If it rains, you're sunk, so make offerings to the Goddess over the previous few days and wish for weather.

Ann's Photo
This photo must be taken the first year if you want to fill the album in time. :P The earliest Ann will arrive is Winter 1, right after the Green Ranch father leaves that morning after putting cows in your barn to take care of if her heart is at least yellow by that date, you have had the dream about her and gone to the area by the shortcut tree and talked with her about finding baby birds in a nest and falling out of a tree as kids. If Ann arrives Winter 1, go with her. Even though you can't do any chores, the animals in my games have never gotten sick, but I did go without eggs for a few days. It was worth it to get the photo. It also had no negative affect on Ann's father's attitude when he came to get the cows and pay for their care a few days later. If Ann doesn't arrive Winter 1 in the morning, she may arrive sometime in the following week in the morning or mid-afternoon, but not on a snowy day. If so your sunk!

Completion of the Hot Spings
This can only be done in the first year. On Winter 11 one of the carpenters visit your farm and tell you that the earthquake opened up a hot springs on Moon Mountain and ask if you want to help build the new spa. Say yes and work with them everyday (pay is 1000g per day!). When the Hot Springs is finished the master carpenter will coment you on your work. You do not see the photo get taken but it arives in the mail the day after the Hot Springs is finished!

Popuri's Photo
This is probably the easiest girl photo to get. This will be a second year photo. The entomologist will be on Moon Mountain in Spring searching for the legendary butterfly. Popuri's heart must be at least yellow and you have had the dream about her and have saved her from falling near the shortcut tree. You will recieve a letter in the mail saying: Blue Mist Seeds have arrived buy it for 500g the florist that same day if possible and Popuri will help you plant it. Water it everyday without fail (making an offering to the goddess for no bad weather or to prevent hurricanes (if its summer). Or you will have to start over again. Exit and reenter the goddess pond area a few times and a photo will be taken by the entomologist. Check your mail the following day and the photo will be there for you. You can get this photo even if Popuri is married to Gray.

Wedding Photo
This should be a second year photo. If you propose the day the blue-mist flower blooms,you planted it on the day it arrived and there was no tragic weather or other problems, you should be married by Summer 4 or the following week. In any case, you should be married the Sunday after you propose to your girl, although in one game I proposed on a Monday and was married the very next day, so it's difficult to say for certain. You need to marry as soon as you can after getting all the girl's photos so you can have a baby before the father visits.

With a Sightseer
Most likely a second year photo! The day after you won the cow festival place your winning cow in the pasture. Enter and exit your house and the 3 girlfriends will be there admirering your cow and they'll ask to take a picture. Say yes! The next morning the picture will be in your mail.

Winning the Horse Race

You can win it in the first, second, or third year. Win the horse race. Check your mail the following day, it should be there.

Winning the Dog Race
Can be in the first or second year. Be good to your dog. Whistle to him and pick him up every day, feed him daily and bring him in the house in bad weather. Exercise him if you want, too, to help insure that he's a winner, but I found that just having him run to you each day when you whistle to him was enough.If he doesn't win, reset and try again until he does if you think he's in good condition and should win. Check your mail the next day for a photo!

Completeing all House Extensions
Fist, second pr third year. Buy all of the extensions, and check your mail the next day for a photo.

Baby is Born!

This should be a spring third year photo. To get the baby be really good to your wife. Give her lots of gifts and be home early each day. She will be saying thing to indicate pegnacey 4-6 weeks after your wedding.

Festival King with Hot Air Ballooon

This could be a second or third year photo, depending on what year you have a coin in your cake at the Harvest Festival and become King. This photo is taken right before you go up into the balloon at the planting festival in the Spring. The following day check your mail.

The Party
Minimum Requirements: Have all extensions Have a wife who loves you Have a baby 80% of your land cultivated 6 Powerberries All your animals must love you Your dog must love you, too 1 Chicken Be good friends with everyone (exceptions: Salesman, Gourmet Man, Photographer, Entomologist) You must continue play after the credits roll and check the album on Summer 2 for the photo (it does not arrive in the mail). Album Menu...#2 Win Swim Meet#3 Maria's Photo#4 Karen's Photo#5 Elli's Photo#6 Ann's Photo#7 Complete Hot Springs#8 Popuri's Photo#9 Wedding#10 With A Sightseer#11 Win Horse Race#12 Win Dog Race#13 Complete Home Extensions#14 Baby is Born#15 Hot Air Balloon#16 Party Photo