
Great-granddaughter of Corwin
Granddaughter of Ellyn

"Let's just say it involved an ambassador to Chaos and three floors of the Thelbane..." One might be tempted to call her whimsical, at least for an Amberite. But never make the mistake of thinking she's incompetent. After all, consider her ancestor - and that she looks a lot like Deirdre.

She does, indeed, have an appetite - though most of the kids have never really seen her do anything with the energy. Except the occasional prank, of course. She and Caitlin and Niobe have formed a mischievious little group (note the "three floors of the Thelbane" crack by Rinaldo - it's not a joke on his part).

And despite the pranks, and the teasing of younger relatives (that would be... most of them), Alice is more than competent, at just about anything. Oh, she's no sorceress, no Trump artist... but what good is a spell or a sketch when there's a sword buried in your neck?