The Elders
The Kids
Others in Amber
Misc. Others

The Family in Amber

Family Tree

The Elders

Benedict - Son of Oberon. Died mysteriously in battle; he disappeared and his body was discovered afterwards, within five years before the start of the Chronicle. His children are Kessalia and Jessica.
Bleys - Son of Oberon. Assassinated (for the third, and most successful, time) in the Shadow of Treva, by a person or persons not yet identified, within five years before the start of the Chronicle. His children are Aurana, Rowena, Vanity, Santiago, and Beatrice.
Brand - Son of Oberon. We all know what happened to Brand. He has not been resurrected. His children are Rinaldo and Iliana, and his granddaughter is Caitlin.
Caine - Son of Oberon. Apparently successfully killed in the Merlin Chronicles; at least, he has not been seen again. He apparently has two children, Barda and Tavin.
Coral - Daughter of Oberon. Queen of Kashfa and still (despite wishes on both their parts) married to Rinaldo. She also still has the Jewel of Judgement in her eye. Her daughter is Caitlin.
Corwin - Son of Oberon. Now spending most of his time exploring the world created by his Pattern with his daughter Ellyn. His children are Merlin and Ellyn, and his great-granddaughter is Alice.
Dalt - Son of Oberon. Still ruling Eregnor by martial ability and buddying up to Rinaldo. His daughters are Alexandra and Audrey.
Delwin - Son of Oberon. At the time he walked the Pattern, Delwin was replaced by an imposter from Chaos. The real Delwin has been hiding in Shadow, watching and waiting. After his reemergence a hundred years before the chronicle, Delwin returned to partial seclusion, though he was recently more involved in events in Amber. He is now recently deceased. His children are Dorian and Tsia.
Deirdre - Daughter of Oberon. More... (Deirdre in the sisters pic.) Her son is Mordred.
Dworkin - Present about as much as he usually is. Apparently, he has taken on a few students recently; at the very least, he has found a member of the younger generation (Dorian) with the patience to play chess with him. His children are Oberon and Shae.
Eric - Son of Oberon. Dead in Corwin's Chronicles. He has not been resurrected, and apparently has no children.
Finndo - Son of Oberon. Deceased well before the beginning of even Corwin's Chronicles, and has not been resurrected. No known children.
Fiona - Daughter of Oberon. Recently released from captivity in the hands of House Niall. Also spending quite a bit of time in the company of Lord Mandor of Chaos. Her daughters are Fenneca and Medea.
Flora - Daughter of Oberon. Flora has not done anything noteworthy, besides being mother to a relatively small amount of children. Those children are Chetwin, Remora, and Bastion.
Gerard - Son of Oberon. Killed in the five years preceeding the start of the Chronicle, by something larger and stronger than him - possibly a trio of Fire Angels. His children are Morgan, Dylana, Kali, and Thorne.
Julian - Son of Oberon. Still ruling Arden with an iron hand. His children are Zane, Isbel, Valerian, and Arwen.
Llewella - Daughter of Oberon. Died in the five years preceeding the Chronicle, under somewhat suspicious circumstances - she appears to have drowned. Her children are Manannan, Aphrodite, and Murielle.
Oberon - Dead King of Amber. Definitely dead, barring unforeseen miracles. And maybe one day when I get really, truly bored, I'll link all his children here. Maybe.
Osric - Son of Oberon. Deceased well before the beginning of even Corwin's Chronicles, and has not been resurrected. Panthea is supposedly his daughter.
Random - Son of Oberon and King of Amber. Somewhat annoyed at the recent deaths and disappearances. His children are Martin, Kurt, Kaylana, and Mercury, and his granddaughter is Bernadette.
Sand - Daughter of Oberon. More... (Sand in the sisters pic.) Her sons are Aidan and Ander.
Shae - Daughter of Dworkin. Her colors are white and silver. More...
Family Tree

The Kids (i.e. Everyone Else of the Blood)

Aidan - Son of Sand. This somewhat peculiar young man spends most of his time in the dangerous parts of Amber. His Hellmare Comanche is the son of Sand's mount Cheyenne. His colors are lavender, purple, and black, and his symbol is a black hourglass with purple sand on a lavender field.
Alexandra - Daughter of Dalt. More...
Alice - Granddaughter of Ellyn and great-granddaughter of Corwin. Her colors are sky blue and black, her symbol a black horse's head on a blue field. More...
Ander - Son of Sand. Due to an unfortunate accident that killed his father, Ander rarely has the chance to speak to his mother. Sand harbors many wounds from that accident, and has refused for years to speak to her son. Until recently, she had not even explained his father's death. Ander is a somewhat pathetic figure in Amber, constantly trying - and failing - to get his mother's attention. His Hellmare Sandpiper is also somewhat of an exile. His colors are purple and magenta, his symbol a magenta dagger on a violet field.
Aphrodite - Daughter of Llewella. Her colors are pale blue, black, and teal; her symbol is a pale blue seashell. More...
Audrey - Daughter of Dalt. More...
Aurana - Daughter of Bleys. Her colors are gold, violet, and salmon; her symbol is a golden crescent moon lying on its back. More...
Barda - Apparently the daughter of Caine and a leader of the Inconnu. Nothing else is known at this time.
Bastion - Son of Flora. Bastion's heritage was, until recently, one of the big question marks in Amber. The wings set him apart from the rest of Amber's children, as did his winged Irish Wolfhound. His colors are red and white, and his symbol is a pair of red wings. Recently discovered to be a traitor to Amber - and now his brain has been replaced with that of Falstaff, Chetwin's head lackey.
Beatrice - Daughter of Bleys. Her colors are blue and dark green. More...
Bellona - Apparently a leader of the Illuminati. Nothing else is known at this time.
Bernadette - Daughter of Mercury (!). She has just arrived in Amber; her colors appear to be yellow and lavender.
Caitlin - Daughter of Rinaldo and Coral. Her colors are blue, white, and violet; her symbol is a gryphon's head. More...
"Digit" - A quick, lively, and active young man who runs errands to Sand and Aidan from persons known (in the Palace) as "the Bard" and "the Bard's Boss". His appearances are sudden and unexpected, and the guards can never catch hold of him, no matter how hard they try. A good source of (occasionally cryptic) information, if you can hold his attention. Now, if someone can only figure out how he's related...
Dorian - Son of Delwin. Dorian is extraordinarily eccentric and often annoying. He has a bad habit of using his spikard to appear suddenly, make crypic remarks, and disappear. Perhaps he learned it from his chess partner, Dworkin. His colors are coral and white, and his symbol is a coral hourglass.
Ellyn - Daughter of Corwin. Her colors are black and gold, her symbol a tiger's-eye stone. More...
Fenneca - Daughter of Fiona and Mandor. Her colors are green, blue, and brown; her symbol is a green globe. More...
Iliana - Daughter of Brand and Jasra. Her colors are tan and maroon, her symbol a black phoenix on a tan field. More...
Isbel - Daughter of Julian. Her colors are silver and orange, and her symbol is a pair of back-to-back horse heads, silver over orange. More...
Jessica - Daughter of Benedict. Her colors are dark red and orange-gold, her symbol a sylized red J on an orange-gold field. More...
Kali - Daughter of Gerard. Her colors are golden yellow and black; her symbol is a black, back-to-back double crescent on a golden yellow field. More...
Kaylana - Daughter of Random and Vialle. Her colors are black and red, her symbol a black wolf's head with a red collar. More...
Kessalia - Daughter of Benedict. Her colors are black, and her symbol is a black anarchy symbol. More...
Kurt - Son of Random and Vialle. Kurt recently suffered a regrettable "accident" in the company of his siblings, following an attempt to recruit his sister Kaylana to take over the throne. His colors were pale blue, white, and gold; his symbol was a pale blue pegasus.
Malachi - Apparently a leader of the Illuminati. Nothing else is known at this time.
Manannan - Son of Llewella. Thanks to his mother's preoccupation, Manannan was effictively raised by Lord Rein. He had a talent for music, and has become the bard of the Family, though he has not replaced his mentor. His colors are dark blue and black, his symbol a black dolphin on a blue field.
Marissa - Mother of Mordred. The lady is a lie - her name is Deirdre. More...
Martin - Son of Random and Morganthe of Rebma. Recently released from imprisonment in the hands of House Niall. Now retired to a private, high-tech Shadow and in regular contact with his father.
Medea - Daughter of Fiona and Mandor. Her colors are lavender and black; her symbol is a lavender pentagram. More...
Mercury - Son of Random and Vialle. Mercury is everything his father was before he married, with some other bad habits, such as cheating, thrown in for good measure. Every member of the Family has, at one time or another, lost a game of cards to him, usually with his magically enhanced deck. His colors are black and red, and his symbol is a red spade on a black field. His daughter is Bernadette.
Mordred - Son of Deirdre. Currently in Amber with his mother; one assumes he's getting acquainted with his relatives.
Morgan - Son of Gerard. There really isn't much to say about Morgan. He is his father's son, with perhaps one or two brain cells and a hot temper thrown in for good measure. His colors are black and red-gold, his symbol a raptor's head.
Murielle - Daughter of Llewella. Her colors are forest green, dark blue, sky blue, and silver-grey; her symbol is a silver dagger on a field of swirled blue and green. More...
Panthea - Daughter of Osric. More...
Remora - Daughter of Flora. Her colors are blue, red, and gold, and her symbol is a white owl with gold strips on its wings. More...
Rinaldo - Son of Brand and Jasra, and King of Kashfa. Still married to Coral, despite what they both wish.
Rowena - Daughter of Bleys. Her colors are black and dark blue, her symbol a black teardrop curved to the left. More...
Santiago - Son of Bleys. As the only known son of Bleys, Santiago is in something of a minority. He is fey and quiet, rarely in Amber, and less than handsome. He commonly dresses in slacks and a dress shirt. His colors are white and tan; his symbol is a column.
Tavin - Apparently a son of Caine and a leader of the Inconnu. Nothing else is known at this time.
Thorne - Son of Gerard. Also a pirate in the waters of Amber - though how long that will last, no one can say. He is also a member of the Inconnu. His colors are green, gold, and rose.
Tsia - Daughter of Delwin. Her colors were brown and gold. More...
Valerian - Son of Julian. Between his murder of Kali and his Robin Hood games in Arden, Valerian just didn't stand a chance once Julian (and Random) found out. His colors were green and brown, his symbol a green hawk.
Vanity - Daughter of Bleys. Her colors are purple, maroon, and yellow; her symbol a yellow bolt on a divided field of maroon and purple. More...
Zane - Son of Julian. He is not the favored son at the moment, but he is the truest to what his father is. In other words, not terribly talkative, very centered on hunting, petty, malicious, and usually riding Valadan, a huge beast spawned of Morgenstern and a Hellmare (and not much brighter or pleasanter than his sire). His colors are green, brown, and red, and his symbol is a green tree with a brown trunk.

Other Personages (In and Around Amber)

Droppa MaPantz - Court Jester... possible alcoholic... co-parent of an Amberite... He's still up to his usual tricks.
Jasra - Wife of Brand. Died before the Chronicle began, possibly in a magical experiment gone awry. Her children are Rinaldo and Caitlin.
Nayda - Still hanging around Kashfa, still inhabited by a demon, and probably still Rinaldo's lover.
Lord Rein - Besides still being the Court Bard, Lord Rein has also (somewhat reluctantly) undertaken the raising of his and Flora's son Chetwin (with the help of Bill Roth and Droppa), and also Llewella's son Manannan. Despite a profound lack of experience, he has been moderately successful with both children.
Bill Roth - After a somewhat ill-starred attempt at co-parenting an Amberite with Droppa and Lord Rein, Bill has been spending much of his time as the official Consultant to the Throne of Amber and occasionally traveling with Corwin.
Vialle - Wife of Random and Queen of Amber. Recently deceased; the absence of Martin at her funeral began the Chronicle. Her children are Kurt, Kaylana, and Mercury, and her granddaughter is Bernadette.

The Family (and Others) in Chaos

House Sawall

Dara - Mother of Merlin, and probably the most dangerous woman in the Courts. We all KNOW about Dara.
Despil - Son of Dara, and Merlin's half-brother. He didn't do much in the Chronicles, and he's continued his track record.
Julia Barnes - Merlin's old flame. She married Jurt shortly after Merlin's coronation, and the pair had a daughter, Niobe. Julia passed away approximately 25 years before the start of the chronicle.
Jurt - Son of Dara, and Merlin's OTHER half-brother. After the conclusion of the Merlin Chronicles, he married Julia Barnes and had a daughter, Niobe. Following Julia's recent death, he dropped out of sight in court, preferring to keep to himself.
Mandor - Lord Mandor has been keeping busy as Princess Fiona's... well, we'll leave THAT to the imagination. Either way, he's sired 2 daughters (Fenneca and Medea) and kept up his generally sneaky behavior.
Merlin - King of Chaos and son of Corwin and Dara. His latest actions have been mainly consolidating his rule and trying to gain the affection of his niece Niobe. He claims to be working on the Niall problem, but he seems to be taking his time. And he's got a wedding in the near future, which isn't helping him concentrate.
Niobe - Daughter of Jurt and Julia Barnes. Her colors are sky blue, peach, and red, and her symbol is a sky blue teardrop. More...

House Niall

Conrad - Outlaw son of House Niall. He was on the run until he helped break into Niallways to rescue Mercury. Currently, he is wandering through Shadow with Isbel and his Hellmare Balius. His colors are red, orange, and yellow, and his symbol is that of a fiery teardrop.
Loring - Former Horsemaster of House Niall, now defected and under house-arrest in the Palace in Chaos.
Meara - Mistress of House Niall, and definitely the current antagonist. Her symbol appears to be a red key.
Nirvana - Lady of House Niall and mother of Conrad. She was assigned to the pursuit of Kaylana, and killed somewhat precipitously after the arrival of Chetwin, Dylana, and Arwen. Her colors were navy and brown, and her symbol was a pair of navy lips.
Peregrine - The House Niall Diplomat, now defected and staying under house arrest with his cousin Loring in the Palace of Chaos.

Other Houses

Suhuy - Up to his usual business in and around the Logrus, one assumes.


Work in Progress - I can't very well give everything away, now can I?

Moire is still Queen in Remba; her eldest daughter, Ondine, was named Crown Princess approximately 50 years before the start of the chronicle. Moire's other children are as follows:


Misc. Others, More Removed from Amber

Denizens of Averick

Benny - A denizen of Averick. After a somewhat ill-fated drive through Shadow, Benny became mentally vegetative. He was then somehow "repaired" by Dworkin, ejected from the Hall of Mirrors (practically into Arwen's arms), returned to Averick, made a director of Chetwin's company, and taken off to another Shadow for a vacation before assuming his duties again. He is still on vacation.
Falstaff - Chetwin's head man in Averick, poor Falstaff has had to put up with quite a bit. Now currently inhabiting the body of Chetwin's brother Bastion and planted as a spy within House Niall.
Dr. Ishmael - Neurosurgeon hired/abducted by Chetwin for a brain-swapping procedure. The good doctor is affectionately known as "Ishy" and currently resides in Averick, doing odd brain jobs for his new employer.
Portia - We don't, as yet, know who or what Portia is, but it's clear she's going to be in Averick... Perhaps Chetwin intends to replace the errant Falstaff?

Other Shadows

Blonde guy - Recently showed up in Murdok's favorite tavern, ended up in two bar fights within 24 hours, and left. He was accompanied the second time by a beautiful woman that started shimmering and making wailing noises shortly before they left.
Corbett - Recently started hanging out in the same tavern as Murdok. He rides a large black horse named Obsidian.
Also featuring various memorable Shadow denizens, such as Jesus the protection agent of Texorami, Bastion's father The Sir, a skull from Dworkin's study, Lao-Tzu, assorted famous religious figures of Earth, and other curious creatures.
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