Session 20

Dustin: *reaches inside shirt, feels around, grasps something...pulls hand up and around, grasping a zipper...unzips self. Dustin peels away like a banana, revealing chet*
Danny: *A crooked man in a victorian lab coat struts in, glances around nervously. He stoops over some table or bed, and puts pieces of everything from tire irons to tiffany lamps together, all the while cackling madly. When he steps back, Arwen is lying on the table, newly constructed.*
Darcie: *a peach rolls to the center of the room (it is a very large peach). odd pecking sounds seem to be coming from the peach. after a while, the peach splits in half, revealing dylana, who is, somehow, unpeached.*


Session 21

Dustin: *bites down on candy cane really hard, 'til his head starts to vibrate, it goes faster and faster and faster, 'til smoke starts coming out of his pores...then there is a loud popping noise and the room is showered in blue candy-cane shards and pieces of dustin's clothing. In the epicenter of the blast stands an annoyed-looking chet. He wafts the candy-and-dust-dust away*
Danny: *Pulls out a deck of cards* *He shuffles it, and starts laying them out.* *A number of them have Islands and mountains, five of which he taps; two islands and three mountains* *He then lays out a card that lists Arwen as a 3/3 blue red creature with siren's call as a special ability* *She appears in thin air*
Only two this time.


Session 23

Danny: *An over muscled freak sporting a chaingun runs screaming by, pauses to grunt, then takes out a veritable army of demons. You then see a gasp of surprise cross his face as he falls over, a knife sticking out of his back, and Arwen standing behind him, looking innocent. After a few minutes, the bodies dissapear, to save on memory*
Darcie: A cat strolls into the room and stops about half way. She stretches, washes her ears, and then moves on to hide behind a large box that just happens to be there. After half a minute, Dylana walks out from behind the box.
Dustin: *sticks a finger gingerly into his left ear and searches around with it...finds something and pulls it out. It is the nozzle end of a red and blue hose...puts the mouthpiece to his lips and blows. His entire body inflates to gargantuan, distended proportions, before popping in a blast of red-and-blue light. Chet then walks in from another room and says "What the hell was that all about?"
Here we go again...


Session 24

Dustin: *Dust gets into a large, complex-looking machine and pulls numerous levers and presses buttons. The whole contraption vibrates faster and faster and faster 'til Dust becomes a blur. Gradually, the blur takes on red and blue hues. When the shaking stops, chet is sitting in the machine. He unsheathes bob and hacks his way out of it* Chet-o-matic
Darcie: *pulls a long blue & green kerchief out of her left ear a la stage magic* "i will make this player disappear, before your very eyes!" *puts the long ass kerchief curtain-style between you and herself In a puff of blue and green smoke, the curtain falls away, and you see, when the smoke clears, Dy, of course.
Danny: A team of scientest marches in with military discipline. They line up into formation, and a man who seems to be a leader marches. He barks orders in a language you can't understand, the scientists shout "Naf!" and nod their heads, and then get to work decoding the human genome. They spend years in research and testing, and finally, one weary eyed scientest holds up a test tube into a beam of light, a look of satisfaction on his face. The test tube baby spends years undergoing tests, being raised up to be the perfect individual, geneticaly enhanced. Finaly, all the tests are done, and the young girl is led out the door by the teary eyed scientists who raised her." *Suddenly, you hear a screech, and notice that Arwen just ran over the child in a bus. She runs in panting.* "Sorry I'm late."


Session 25

Darcie: okay. someone all haremed out dances into the room, 100000001 veils and all, does the dance of 100000001 veils, and as the last one falls, you see Dy, fully clad, of course. (We're PG13, here)
Dustin: *climbs into titanically huge red-and-blue cannon and lights a long, red and blue fuse. It burns slowly down to the butt of the cannon. When it arrives, there is an ominous silence. Then, chet bursts into the room and drags Dust out by the arm. The cannon goes off noisily. "Get outta here, moron. You WANNA get blown up?" Dust sulks away."
Danny: *Whips out a laptop and a 3x5. He starts up the computer, and begins playing the game on the floppy. It's simlife. He starts messing with the playing around with it, and at the same time, is downloading an upgrade for Half-Life. Unfortunately, his virus alert goes wild, but is unable to stop the intruder. SimLife starts demonstrating strange behaviour like 32 bit colour and high culture. The lifeforms start coexisting in what seems to be a multicelluar organism, and the deal pans out, and suddenly you get a bad feeling. Right as Alice steps out of the computer and asks if anyone has seen Arwen.
Damnit, *I*'m the only one who gets to play the NPC's!


Session 26

Darcie: a half-blue lime rolls into the room and stops in the middle. From inside, you hear a tapping noise.... *tap tap tap tap*... the lime cracks open, to reveal.... tabby, who looks around with a look of feline indifference. =) she looks out the door, through which strolls dylana...
Danny: Jason retreats into the room, swinging his sword and slashing futily at a group of skeletons which follow him into the room. As he is fighting, he seems to remember something, and reaches into his pouch. He pulls out small white objects, perhaps dragon teeth, and throws them on the ground. At first, nothing happens, but soon hands, then arms, and entire bodies crawl out of the ground. Several dozen Arwens grow from the fertile soil, and turn on the skeletons. Jason thanks them, and trots off to betray Medea.
Darcie: AIEEEEE!!! *pulls out her sword and hacks at the arms*
Dustin: *Dust is sleeping peacefully in his room, but with his door suspiciously unlocked. As he slumbers, a slight, red-fuzzy form sneaks into the room. It is carrying a moist-looking, pulsating pod. He sets it next to Dust's head, then backs out. After a tense silence, the pod begins to pulsate more rapidly and make squelching noises. It expands to grotesque proportions, then bursts open in a shower of cytoplasm... ...Chet wipes the goo off of his clothing and climbs out of the pod. He looks at Dust and says "Geez, buddy. You could sleep through Patternfall Two."


Session 27

Dustin: *walks into a room with a large piece of medical-looking apparatus, like a CAT scanner and lays down on the bed. As the machine buzzes and feeds him under the scanners, an ominously black-gloved hand reaches over to the controls and turns the red and blue filters all the way up. When the scanner bed comes out on the other side, chet is on it*
Darcie: *is dylana*
Danny: *After a few minutes of no Arwen, you glance up and see a sign on the Arwen Generater reading "Out of Order. For repair, call 1-888-555-4354. Sorry for any inconvenience."


Session 28

Darcie: *reaches into her pocket and pulls out a cartoon black hole, slaps it on a wall, rummages around, grabs something and pulls... Dylana pops out. Darcie dissapears through the hole*
Danny: *Closes the hole before she can get out again*
Darcie: Dylana pulls out her dagger, points it at you "Who are you and what have you done with arwen? *pause* Wait, what'm i saying... "
Danny: *Slips peyote into everyones drinks, and as they start to hallucinate, the pretty colours coalesce into Arwen the Destroyer*
Dustin: *dust loses his mind and walks into a tatoo parlor. He has a strange, disconnected look about him, as if he were being controlled by something/one. He says to the tatoo artist 'Gimmie something with LOTS of red and blue.' The artist goes to work with his sinister-looking, buzzing instruments, but your view is blocked by the artist's bulk. When he steps back to admire his work, chet it sitting in the chair*


Session 29

Dustin: *An enormous red and blue bananna falls from somwhere above and writhes unnaturally on the floor. Dust walks in and flips a large bowie knife out of somewhere amongst his clothing and slices open the bananna. Chet slides out, grabs dust by the ankles and forces him into the bananna. He quickly sews it up again with steel thread. "Sucker." He pronounces.
Darcie: *sets up a canvas and starts painting* *paintpaintpaint* *paintpaint* *paint*
Danny: After a few minutes, a tall dark and ugly satyr walks in.
Darcie: *paint*
Danny: "Arwen couldn't make it tonight, so I'm filling in."
Darcie: (*splashes paint on the satyr*)
Danny: *He wipes himself off*
Darcie: *comes out from behind the canvas splattered in blue and green*
Chetwin: "You try filling anything or anyONE around here and I can't be responsible for what gets lopped off...on second thought, my mother is on the top floor. Look for the only red lightbulb in amber."
Darcie: the blue and green paint start pulsing, then expanding, until i'm totally covered in blue & green paint, at which point, the retract to cover just the clothing, leaving you staring at Dy
