Session 30

Darcie: part of the wall starts opening, making a noise sort of like a zipper. Through the openning, you can see blue and green swirls of light. When the wall is totally open, Dylana steps through, turns around, and rezips the wall. *bows* i see you're all speechless
Dustin: *You see a large, flat, open plain. Salt flats. There is a group of men in military uniforms and protective eyewear milling around. Suddenly, a towering red-and-blue mushroom cloud leaps into the desert sky. It expands to grotesque dimensions. Finally, the sound wave hits the small knot of army brass. It is a voice. "OK. OK. I'M COMING!" It booms. A couple of seconds later, Chet falls out of the crest of the onrushing cloud*
Danny: *You see Julian run off into shadow, and then returned, looking slightly less like a piece of sheet rock. Time passes, and all of the sudden, Arwen appears in front of you, looking confused and emotional. Adventures happen, yaddi yaddi, and all of the sudden, you find yourself whereever you happen to be at the moment, complete with Arwen! Who may or may not find herself where you may or may not find yourself.*


Session 31

Darcie: *yawns, stretches, splits down the middle, Dy walks out of the split*
Danny: A family runs out to the beach, two parants, and a small child; maybe three. The husband and wife are having fun, frolicking a little, while their child runs of, and starts swimming. The parents realize that their child has run off, and so chase after her. By this point, she has managed to attract the attention of a pack of sharks. The parents, not nowing what to do, drop to their knees and cry out for someone, someething, some God to rescue their child. And of course, with every prayer, a God is born. From the sky swoops down something, lifts the child out of the water, and rests her on the ground. It's a bird. It's a plane! No, it's Arwen in a Wonder Woman costume! She stands akimbo.
Darcie: Danny, this multiple children in danger thing might lead one to question your mental health. Should we request you see Dr Ishy?
Dustin: *You see a stark, white, clinical lab room. In it are row upon rank of pitri dishes. In each of them is either a red or a blue culture substance. They all seem to be breathing. Then, slowly- and with a series of wet, squelchy noises, they all ooze out of their dishes and melt together on the floor... ...they form into a vague human shape, then there is more squelching. Eventually, they take on definition and proportions. Suddenly, they wrench into the correct configuration as Lord Chetwin of Amber. He gets up off the floor, then mops up the excess goo*


Session 32

Darcie: *dives into a pool of blue and green pez* *eeps, 'cuz it's rainin'* *emerges blue & green* as the dye drips off, dylana becomes more and more evident... until she's all dy...
Dustin: *you see dust being led out of a large, barred cell. He is wearing a jumpsuit and handcuffs. He is also wearing a home-made sigh that says "I didn't do it, dammit." He is led down a long hallway by armed guards. At the end of the hallway is a large, red-and-blue electric chair. He is forced into it and a short man with frazzled hair pulls a switch...*
GM: short man with frazzled hair? you're being electrocuted by a miget einstein? sorry... it was there....
Dustin: *...the lights dim and there is a gut-churning series of zapping noises. When the lights come back up, Chet is sitting in the chair. "You've done it, now...morons." he says.*
Danny: *Runs off to Albertsons, and heads for the seasonal aisle. He returns with a sack of goodies, and runs into a closet. You hear a bunch of sounds you really don't want to know the origins of, and then he comes wearing a really cheap plastic Arwen mask along with a plastic Arwen suit that proudly says "Arwen of Amber! Glows in the Dark! Brat of Arden and Harraser of Corperate Execs!"


Session 33

Dustin: *You see a large coppery mountain peak rising out of green jungle foliage and into gray jungle mist. You get the impression of a crater at the top, and a different-colored steam issuing from it. Suddenly, there is a rumbling, a shaking of the earth around the peak...then it stops. All is silent...*
Darcie: *walks in munching meatloaf v2.0, drops the plate, makes an odd face, falls to the floor in a convulsive fit, smokes, when the smoke clears, Dy's sitting there brushin' off her left sleeve*
Danny: *Says something treasonous about some computer, and then immediately dies as her Reconpack misfires, and slams her into a 30 foot concrete wall. Moments later, a clone replacement walks in.*
Dustin: *...all is silent for a long while. All those present begin to relax and go about their normal lives. Then, with no warning whatever, the mountain explodes. Countless small villages are reduced to foul-smelling heaps of ash. Chet is standing in the middle of the blast crater. He stretches, as if just waking. "Heh heh heh. Nice place for a nap," he says*


Session 34

Danny: There is an ominous thunderstorm raging. Suddenly, the ominous lights ominously go out. An ominous rapping comes from the quaint, unnasuming, yet somehow ominous door. Thunder ominously bolts through your frame, like a bad and overmelodramatic story.
Dustin: *You see the white rabbit from Alice scampering around a woodland scene. He consults his pocketwatch. As he does so, you see a red dot appear on his vest... It grows slightly larger, then you hear a hissing sound...*
Danny: *As the lighting flashes and thunder blares again, the door slides open, and it's a dark, ominous man*
Dustin: *...then a large red-and-blue cruise missile hits him. Rabbit pieces fly everywhere.*
Danny: *in a trenchcoat and hat, holding a briefcase.*
Dustin: *The cruise missile opens up and chet steps out, brushes himself off.*
Danny: *Suddenly, the lights manage to go out a second time, never mind the continuity error, and you hear a yelp and a thud. When the lights go back on, you see Arwen standing over an anvil, flipping a coin and looking innocent.*
Dustin: *"Heh heh heh. Damn bunny always annoyed me.", he says*
Darcie: okay. i'm not feeling vibrant or creative today, so this is all you get-- *parachutes in on a blue-and-green parachute, lands, gets covered in parachute* *parachute shrinks, becomes dy, i poof away*


Session 35

Dustin: *You see Dust sleeping peacefully...but for some reason, he's in a large spooky-looking manor house*
Darcie: *pets the kitty*
Dustin: *Suddenly he wakes up, grunts and stares out the a full moon* *"No! Not again!" he screams, and starts tearing at his clothing and skin...*
Darcie: the cat starts shedding *is soon hidden by a curtain of cat fur*
Dustin: *As the moonlight touches his writhing form, his features contort... ...and patches of red and blue fabric rupture out of his skin*
Darcie: *sneezes lots, throwing whirls and spirals into the floating cat fur* *sneeze sneeze*
Dustin: *after a couple of more minutes and a bunch of nifty camera angles, chet is sitting on the floor*
Darcie: The cat fur settles, Dylana pulls a tissue from somewhere and blows her nose
Danny: "Ten-hut!" Suddenly, really loud, really.... brass.. marching music starts playing. The music is actually rather obnoxious, and it's getting louder. Suddenly, through the doorway, comes Arwen, dressed in an extremeely gaudy high school marching band outfit, completee with flat cap with huuuuuge feather.
Darcie: are you implying something about HS marching bands???
Danny: She waves a baton around, and is followed by a number of confused looking workers with band instruments from Ri'ik.
Darcie: and they're called plumes. and they're not one feather.
Dustin: least he didn't call them pimp-hats.
Darcie: ugh i'd'a taken the peacemaker to him for sure.
Danny: Arwen gives Chet his employees back. They look relieved.


Session 36

Dustin: *You see an olympic bobsled course, packed on both sides with screaming fans. There is silence for about five minutes, then you can just barely make out a scraping noise...*
Darcie: *pulls out blue and green acryllic paint, empties the tubes into the air such that they form a "wall" in the air, runs through, pops out the other side all dylana-fied*
Dustin: *...the noise gets louder and louder, until the bobsled finally comes into view. It is a bright red-and-blue blur, flashing along the ice. The fans cheer... ...then, quicker than the eye can follow, a man-shaped object leaps into the path of the speeding sled. The sled explodes into millions of tiny pieces. When the steam from the melted ice clears, chet is standing in the middle...*
Danny: Is sitting around, rotting his brains on the internet, when his ears perk up. "My god! I hear a school bus that has caught on fire, due to an ancient alien/demigod entering into this realm from another dimension. The regular writers must be on strike again."
Dustin: *...of the crater. "What?" he says, "You expected a triple lutz?"
Danny: *He stands up dramaticaly, poses, and then pulls out a sparkly wand. Waves the wand around, and floats into the air. He then undergoes a transformation sequence that was cut out by the network censors. At the end of it, he is gone, replaced by Arwen in a sailor suite school uniform, speaking Japanese*
GM: *hands arwen the thari translator and some normal clothing*
Danny: *Gladly changes into it*


Session 37

Darcie: *strolls in bearing a bag of blue m&m's and green skittles* *sits down in the middle of the room and starts to munch*
Dustin: *You see a panel of olympic judges, looking stern and melancholy.*
Darcie: *ends up with green and blue dye on her lips* *tries to wipe it off, just smears it around lots. pulls out a mirror and peers at her reflection*
Dustin: *The judges are scribbling on official olympic stationary and mumbling to themselves.*
Darcie: *scrubscrubscrub*
Dustin: *Then you notice a rather odd-looking judge from a country whose flag you don't recognize. It does, however contain suspicious amouts of red and blue*
Darcie: *decides it's not working, pulls the mirror open to reveal that there's space behind it, pulls out a curtain (you know, the full length ones they're always using in cartoons) pulls down on the bottom side of the mirror*
Dustin: *The judge from the red-and-blue-flag-country seems to have made deals with every other country in the panel. His off-kilter scores utterly destroy the event in question.* *He throws back his head, laughs, then pulls off the mask he'd had over his face. Chet is standing there in the judge's poorly fitting suit. He casually flips all the other judges the finger, then leaves.*
Darcie: *pulls on the back side of the mirror, until it's about 6' by 4' by 4' (6 being the height...) pulls the curtain around, gets on the inside, hidden part of the curtain* *shuffleshuffle*
Danny: *At this point, upbeat big band music starts playing from an indeterminate source, and men and white tuxedoes and women in scanty for the day, sequined swimsuits dance in in lines, surrounded by fountains, stair cases, and far too much white.*
Darcie: *hangs clothes on the curtain rod* there are suspiciously watery noises coming from inside the curtain, steam rises*
Danny: *The origin of these dancers is uncertain, they seem to pour in from all directions. Sections of the floor rise, partitions separate, and some fireworks even manage to go off. You even think you see a lion roaring in the distance.*
Darcie: *the water noises turn off, the steam clears* *pulls open the curtain* *oddly enough, there stands a clothed and dry dylana* i know, you're asking "how does she do it?"
Danny: *Thee music is getting louder, and it's getting rather crowded in here* *Then a panicked expression creeps into the face of the lead dancer, and he clutches over, grabing his throat. The other dancers follow suit, all seeming to be choking, as they fall over one by one.* *At this point, Daedalus walks in, and says "You know, having a fascination with death gods has its advantages. Hated those MGM soundstage musicals."


Session 38

Darcie: *ponders a good into-character dealie* f*ck it. *is dylana*
Dustin: You see a quiet winter scene of a frozen pond with a grove of evergreens overlooking it. Nothing happens for long minutes. Then, suddenly, the surface of the ice starts to buckle and crack. A fishing pole erupts from the growing hole in the ice and lands on the bank. It is followed by Chetwin, who is holding a fish in his mouth. "What? I got tired of waiting."
