Session 60

Dustin: *cannot think of transmutation* *chet appears in a puff of lurid red-and-blue smoke*
GM: Ahh. The Mephistopheles route. *g*
Dustin: That or Faust.
GM: yes. Mephistopheles.
Dustin: *nods* But who would summon Chet?
GM: LOL Do we really want to ask?
Darcie: Ummm... *appears in a puff of blue and green smoke*
Darcie: Yeah, i'm even less creative tonight.


Session 61

Dustin: Dustin climbs out of a 7-foot-high-pile of homework and hastily written reviews, pulls out a matchbook and sets fire to the pile. It refuses to light.... at which point a red-and-blue-clad hand reaches out from the pile and yanks him back in. There is a rustling of papers and chetwin emerges.... and walks away.
Darcie: Dy goes "ZZzZzzZzZzZZzZzzzZZzz"


Session 62

Dustin: *is chetwin, by a slow process of osmosis that started well before the session*
Darcie: *is dy*
