Session 50

Darcie: ok. *has transformation idea* You see a massive movie screen descend from the cieling. On it is already playing some random teen movie. All of the sudden, the screen goes blue-and-green fuzzy. Dy busts through the moviescreen on an action-adventure style motorcycle, wielding a cutlass, with a patch over her left eye.
Darcie: ... and finds herself suddenly in her room. "Weird... must'a been daydreaming"

Dustin: *you see an extremely large tree with red and blue leaves, towering over a flat landscape* *the tree shivers in the wind and you begin to discern small objects floating gently down from the branches* *as the objects get closer to the ground, you see that they are rather distended sycamore seeds, the kind with the little helicopter bits on them* *they fall to the ground like snow for a while, then you hear a disturbingly loud WHOOSH-ing noise...and the ground is covered in shadow* *you look up and see a truly enormous winged seed spinning its way to the ground. Finally, it alights at the foot of the tree's trunk, with a heavy thud* *a series of slightly less loud thumps seem to come from inside the seed...which suddenly burst open in a shower of sawdust* *Chet is standing there, with bits of broken seed clinging to his suit. He dusts himself off and walks away*


Session 51

Dustin: *you see a night sky, filled with constellations of brilliant stars* *suddenly, one star- off to the northeast seems to increase in magnitude* *it seems as if Polaris has given birth to an angry infant-star* *Alarmingly, the bright star begins to grow even more in brightness. Soon, you can discern that it is also growing in SIZE* *The stellar apparition continues to grow until you can see that it is definitely far closer than Polaris* *suddenly the fireball changes direction and you can see that the object has a tail like a comet, only the tail consists of bright streamers of red and blue light* *The comet changes direction again and plummets downward. You lose sight of it as it goes under the horizon. There is a moment of stillness, then a blinding flash lights up half the sky. It is followed by a shaking of the earth*
Darcie: *meditates* ooooooohhhhmmmmm..... ooohhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmm.... ooohhhhhhhhmmmmmmm
Dustin: *When the terrific rumbling noise has stopped, you hear maniacal laughter from over your shoulder. When you turn, you see Chetwin laughing and holding a very LARGE radio-control console*
Darcie: *starts to float* ohhhhhmmmmm ohhhmmmmm
Darcie: suddenly, <BIG FLASHIE!!!> *is no longer sitting in the livingroom eating pizza and drinking beer and watching Samurai Jack* *is dy*


Session 52

Darcie: Dy jumps into an olympic sized swimming pool, swims laps, jumps out of the pool, walks over to the cubby where her stuff is checked. As she walks, you see blue-and-green paint footprints forming where she's walked. Eventually, all the Dy-paint washes off.
Darcie: *is me* *looks down* awshit. Wrong direction. *picks up towel, starts drying off*
Dustin: Chetwin climbs out of a pile of writhing mouse-cords (I was late cuz my mouse came unplugged). He has a large axe and is hacking at the snakelike mass of cables, while screaming "DIE! DIE!," repeatedly.
Darcie: monstrous sheets of water droplets go flying up. The water starts turning grey-tone. *drops the towel, is Dy*


Session 53

Dustin: *You see a large public building, with a rotunda of some sort* *In the center of the rotunda is a large granite monument of some kind of pagan deity* *All is calm until you notice that the monument is vibrating a bit...then bits of the decoration start falling off of it and hitting the floor* *the shaking continues and becomes more pronounced...then all at once the granite shatters and chet emerges like a butterfly from a dusty chrysalis. He dusts himself off and exits the building*
Darcie: *goes out to the back yard, plants a seed, covers* *time progresses in that weird, hollywood, weeks to minutes thing, with occasional shots of me watering and weeding the area in the backyard* *a bud pushes its way through the dirt and morphs from a bud to a small plant, with bits of string and stick for support, in a matter of a few minutes...* *eventually the plant becomes a full grown oak-lookin' tree* *on one of the branches facing toward the fence, a small blue and green flower buds and blooms, happy bugs and all* *the bloom falls away for a piece of blue-green fruit which falls to the ground and eventually rots* *back in amber...* *is dy* "Yeah, like hell you'd catch me in that city*


Session 54

Dustin: *you see a confusing pile of software and papers...Dustin falls into it and gets sucked in like it's quicksand...the pile burbles and squelches......seeming almost to burp in contentment...* *after a while, the puddle of clutter squelches and splashes violently, then upchucks an angry-looking chetwin*
Darcie: ummm... didn't think of a transformation before hand... so .... *poof* *is Dy*


Session 56

Darcie: i'm in such a non-creative mood tonight.... *is dylana*

Dustin: *You see a large pile of DHTML code* *Chet jumps out of it and starts stabbing it* *The End*
Dustin: *G* By way of brief xplanation, darc...I hate my web design course.
Darcie: i was about to ask if there were issues there
Dustin: Yes...many many issues.


Session 59

Darcie: Dylana's attention is caught by a flash of shiny object (imagine that...). When she turns her head, she sees a white rabbit scurrying down a hole. She, being Dy, follows. We all know the tunnel, so I'm not wasting my time retyping it. At the end of the tunnel, she finds herself face to fading grin with the chesire cat (or what remains to be seen of him). On second glance, she notices an inebriated pair of bar patrons -- Rinaldo and Merlin. "F*ck this shit. Not even I'm this curious." Pulling out a trump, she reappears in the hallway staring at DrunkChet.

Dustin: *Dust climbs out of a pile of finished and half-finished game reviews and turns a large gun on the pile* *Eventually, the gunsmoke clears and it's chet standing there with his tommy-gun*
