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Located on the Ports' main stretch and facing the docks, the Mermaid's Embrace is the most (in)famous of a string of taverns located within the Pirate Ports. Hard to miss, with its decorative bow and namesake's figurehead protruding from the upper level, it's a familiar beacon of respite and refreshment to any who have been to the Pirate Ports before.

Passerbys and regulars alike flock to the town's oldest drinking hall, which is said to have been constructed even before the general grocer several blocks down. Years of history have been absorbed by the buildings worn wooden planks and smoke-clouded windows, its popularity unwavering, even over time.

Owned and operated by an old salt the regulars know as Reg, the tavern serves as both a bar and hotel, with a few sparse living quarters located upstairs. One or two of hearty disposition (or poor hearing) will rent the apartments above during the slow winter season, though most who stay at the Mermaid's Embrace seldom remain longer than one to two nights. Each room is sparsely furnished, but comfortable, containing a double bed, washbasin, bedstand, and bureau.

The prices are reasonable due to the raucous nature of the establishment, where drinking, cavorting, and brawling take place until the wee hours of the morn. Those of a more delicate disposition are advised to seek supper and drinks further down the square, at the Fox & Terrier tavern or, for the more refined taste, the Teahouse.

Reg employs several barmaids to assist in the running of the tavern, and as the years go by one is more likely to find Daisy running the counter, while Reg nurses his 'rheumatism' by fishing off the pier. But watch your hands, lads! These ladies aren't for sale! If it's a whore you're needing, you best consult Mama Lucilla at The Scarlet Pearl.

Otherwise come down to the Mermaid's Embrace and have a tankard or three with the boys! Or girls! The Pirate Ports caters to an assortment of strangers and regulars, alike.

If you're feeling lucky, try your hand at a round of cards with Ellinis, long-time friend of Reg and Port local with the sharpest wit this side of RhyDin. It's also not unusual to find most the motley crew of the Lady Destiny loitering around, as well, from Captain to cabin boy. (But a word of caution: if Jasper challenges you to a drink-off be sure to decline.) And do watch your pockets around the silver-tongued cohorts Tomas Cutler and James Maclene, the Ports' resident hustlers. One can never be too wary, afterall.