How to Deal with Michelle

Have Michelle sit in a spot that is separate from the group. That way, whatever it is that she has doesn’t infect the others.

Try to keep Michelle away from open candle flames, drinking glasses and any food or drink that stains, and in the name of all that is holy, KEEP HER AWAY FROM CHOCOLATE.

If Michelle seems pleased that her character is in frenzy, confiscate her character sheet immediately.

Try to limit Michelle’s IC conversations between her character and the other PCs. Try to keep her attention focused on you.

Create an NPC "chew toy" for Michelle to play with. Any NPC that is non-essential to the current story plot will do. Give this NPC something that will keep Michelle’s interest (any canon or real-life historical figure will work). This will keep Michelle occupied for at least a few sessions until she accidentally kills him. When that happens, just create a new one.

If you want Michelle interested in something or if you want to steer her character in a specific direction, use adjectives that would describe a pokemon character when describing something to her (IE "cute", "fuzzy", "shiny colors", etc...). For example, if you want her to go through a door, say "before you is a shiny colored door."

Another way of steering Michelle is to let her see another PC get a cookie. For example, let’s say that you want all the players to be at the Toreador Ball. All the players show up, but Michelle decides that she would much rather stay in her haven. Have the Toreador hostess teach the other PCs a discipline. Michelle will then quickly find a reason as to why her character SUDDENLY decides to attend the ball.

If Michelle gets twinky with one of her powers, use the Eww factor to get her to stop. For example, if Michelle is running around dominating every NPC to "throw up", stop the game, go to the fridge, take out the yogurt, put three heaping spoonfuls in your mouth and go back to the gaming table. I don’t think I should need to explain further...

Any major clue that is important to the success of the playing troupe should NOT be given to Michelle. The best way around this is to give Michelle and another PC the important info at the same time. (IE "Oh look, you BOTH find out that …..") That way, there is no danger of Michelle hogging the information to herself or making any brilliant deductions and telling the rest of the group that she has proof that Caine is working the night shift at the 7/11. So if Michelle is looking for some important clue by herself, say that she finds absolutely nothing. Even if she scores a whopping 5 successes on a Perception + Alertness roll, say that she finds nothing.

If you get into an argument with Michelle, say you are sorry afterwards. Even if you are right and she is wrong, say you are sorry. Swallow whatever pride you have and say you are sorry. Don’t worry about it. The other players will console you afterwards.

Michelle loves passing secret notes to other players. Do yourself a favor and ignore these. Rest assured that it is always OOC chatter and Michelle just thinks she is being sneaky. Just politely remind your players that you punish players severely for abusing OOC info. Your players will quickly learn to ignore Michelle’s notes.

note from FallenAngle: the original version of this also included: in each session make sure Michelle has an opportunity to roll a lot of (more than 6) dice. Michelle likes rolling dice.