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Adventurer's Guild

          Level Experience Price
          1 0 0
Requirements         2 90 9
          3 210 21
Strength 1       4 360 36
Dexterity 1       5 540 54
Constitution 1       6 750 75
Intelligence 1       7 990 99
Wisdom 1       8 1260 126
Charisma 1       9 1560 156
Luck 1       10 1890 189
          11 2250 225
Perks         12 2640 264
Fighting 1       13 3060 306
Thief Skills 1       14 3510 351
Spellcraft 1       15 3990 399
Accuracy 1       16 4500 450
Dodge 1       17 5040 504
Diplomacy 1       18 5610 561
HP/Level 1D60       19 6210 621
Max lvl/HP 18/20            
SP/Level 1D20            
Max lvl/SP 18/5            
Speed 3            
Character Traits:     Begins With:        
  None     None      
Skills:     Progression:        
  None     None      
Other:     Extras:        
  None     Universal Guild. All players can join for free.  

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