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Wanderer, explorer, Journeyman. Most games use adventurer as a general description for any character who likes to explore. Runerealm takes this label one step further by making all characters able to be an "Adventurer". The Adventurer's guild is the largest, most common, and easiest to gain entry to. Anyone can be an adventurer. In fact, on occasion, the guild has gotten some heat from both families and nations for admitting so many people, who then proceed to go adventuring, until they get killed. But, due to the size and power of the guild, they've been able to shrugg off any such problems. Although there isn't much pride in being a member of the guild, there is quite a bit of ridicule involved whenever anyone carrying a weapon doesn't have the mark of the guild on their person somewhere. Most offers of rewards for tasks completed or bounties met can be found posted in the Adventurer's guild. Also, local nobility will often use the roll list of the guild to attempt to recruit mercenaries (for a fair price, of course).

Adventurers may be a dime a dozen, but there are still benefits to being in the guild. First, you get to train in any and all skills you might wish. In this guild you can learn it all. Not only that, but progression is quick as well. Perhaps half as many experience points are required to gain a level in this guild than any other. Of course, the benefits may not be as good, nor the bragging rights, but you can get a good amount of knowledge from training with this guild.

All members of the Adventurer's guild (meaning just about everybody) has an insignia of a walking staff that they carry on their person.

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adven.jpg's true title is "bob.jpg", artwork (c) Alane Fieldson