Essentially the Warrior's guild with a few twists, the Archer is somebody who specializes with, you guessed it, a bow. Although there are members who choose to use different weapons, such as a sling, a chakram, and such, the majority of those in the Archer's guild use bows. This guild tends to be favored by those who originate from hunting and forest-dwelling societies, such as Elves, Centaurs, and the like, though all peoples are welcome to join. Their training is almost solely projectile weapon based, with allowances for those who wish to learn a backup weapon in case of close combat situations. Additionally, the good dexterity that is required to gain entry to this guild has it's... "benefits". Some archers tend to learn a thief skill or two during their training, which they often times find useful in the real world, where everything isn't as wonderfully blissful as some would like to think. Once initial training is complete, the beginning archer has learned a complete school of combat pertaining to quality version of the weapon that they trained with, and a broad talent with all archery weapon types. Also, since using heavy weapons damages some of the finer muscles in the hands and wrists that are necessary for accuracy, those trained as archers are unable to effectively wield such weapons, resulting in a broad inability with two-handed swords.
Archers have a strong sense of pride when it comes to what they do, and they tend to show disdain and disapproval for any who claim to have a talent for their weapon of choice. After all, if you can shoot, why aren't you an archer? Also, some "Missile Weapon Specialists", as the non-bow users prefer to be called, or a few of the bowmen themselves for that matter, are leery of magic, since it is a surprise attack that doesn't use a weapon movement as a warning. But, aside from that, most members of the Archer's guild tend to get along just fine with the other guilds, with the exception of any alignment conflicts.
All members of the Archer's guild wear a wrist guard on their off handed arm with an arrow in a drawn bow for an insignia.
arch.jpg's true title is "artemis.jpg", artwork (c) Alane Fieldson