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Items List

Clothing     Food/Lodging    
Belt 3 sp   Ale per gallon 2 sp
Breeches 2 gp   Banquet per person 10 gp
cap/hat 1 sp   Bread 5 cp
Good cloth cloak 8 sp   Cheese 4 sp
Fine fur cloak 50 gp   Common room per month 20 gp
Girdle 3 gp   Por room per month 6 sp
Common gown 12 sp   Common wine per pitcher 2 sp
Hose[ery] 2 gp   Egg or fresh veggies 1 cp
Knife sheath 3 cp   Horse room and board per day 5 sp
Mittens 3 sp   Honey 5 sp
Pin 6 gp   Inn common room per day 5 sp
Plain brooch 10 gp   Inn common room per week 3 gp
Common robe 9 sp   Inn poor room per day 5 cp
Embroidered robe 20 gp   Inn poor room per week 2 sp
Sandals 5 cp   Meat for one meal 1 sp
Sash 2 sp   Good meal for one day 5 sp
Shoes 1 gp   Common meal for one day 3 sp
Silk jacket 80 gp   Poor meal for one day 1 sp
Surcoat 6 sp   Small beer per gallon 5 cp
Sword scabbard, hanger, baldric 4 gp   Separate latrine for rooms per month 2 gp
Tabard 6 sp   Soup 5 cp
Coarse toga 8 cp  
Tunic 8 sp   Transport
Vest 6 sp  
  Barge 500 gp
Household Provisioning   Small canoe 30 gp
  War canoe 50 gp
Barrel of pickles fish 3 gp   Caravel 10,000 gp
Butter per pound 2 sp   Common carriage 150 gp
Coarse sugar per pound 1 gp   Ornamented coach 7,000 gp
Dry rations per week 10 gp   Riding chariot 200 gp
Eggs per 100 8 sp   War chariot 500
Eggs per 2 dozen 2 sp   Coaster 5,000
Figs per pound 3 sp   Cog 10,000
Firewood per day 1 cp   Curragh 500 gp
Herbs per pound 5 cp   Drakkar 25,000 gp
Nuts per pound 1 gp   Dromond 15,000
Raisins per pound 2 sp   Galleon 50,000 gp
Standard rations per week 3 gp   Great galley 30,000 gp
Iron rations per week 5 gp   Knarr 10,000 gp
Rice per pound 2 sp   Longship 10,000
Salt per pound 1 sp   Common oar 2 gp
Saffron per pound 15 gp   Galley oar 10 gp
Clove per pound 15 gp   Raft or small keelboat 100 gp
Pepper per pound 2 gp   Sail 20 gp
Ginger per pound 2 gp   Sedan chair 10 gp
Cinnamon per pound 1 gp   Wagon or cart wheel 5 gp
250 gallons of cider 8 gp  
250 gallons of good wine 20 gp   Animals
Services   Boar 10 gp
  Bull 20 gp
Bath 3 cp   Calf 5 gp
Clerk per letter 2 sp   Camel 50 gp
Doctor, leech, or bleeding 3 gp   Capon 3 cp
City guide per day 2 sp   Cat 1 sp
Lantern or torchbearer per night 1 sp   Chicken 2 cp
Laundry per load 1 cp   Cow 10 gp
City messenger per message 1 sp   Guard dog 25 gp
Minstrel per performance 3 gp   Hunting dog 17 gp
Mourner per funeral 2 sp   War dog 20 gp
Teamster with wagon per mile 1 sp   Donkey, mule, or ass 8 gp
  Labor elephant 200 gp
Tack and Harness   War elephant 500 gp
  Trained falcon 1,000 gp
Chain barding 500 gp   Goat 1 gp
Full plate barding 2,000 gp   Guinea hen 2 cp
Full scale barding 1,000 gp   Draft horse 200 gp
Half prigandine barding 500 gp   Heavy war horse 400 gp
Half padded barding 100 gp   Light war horse 150 gp
Half scale barding 500 gp   Medium war horse 225 gp
Leather or padded barding 150 gp   Riding horse 75 gp
Bit and bridle 15 sp   Hunting cat (jaguar, etc.) 5,000 gp
Cart harness 2 gp   Ox 15 gp
Halter 5 cp   Partridge 5 cp
Horseshoes and shoeing 1 gp   Peacock 5 sp
Pack saddle 5 gp   Pig 3 gp
Riding saddle 10 gp   Pigeon 1 cp
Large saddle bags 4 gp   Homing pigeon 100 gp
Small saddle bags 3 gp   Pony 30 gp
Saddle blanket 3 sp   Ram 4 gp
Horse yoke 5 gp   Sheep 2 gp
Ox yoke 3 gp   Songbird 10 gp
  Swan 5 sp
Miscellaneous Equipment  
Backpack 2 gp   Hemp rope per 50 feet 1 gp
Small barrel 2 gp   Silk rope per 50 feet 10 gp
Large basket 3 sp   Large sack 2 sp
Small basket 5 cp   Small sack 5 cp
Bell 1 gp   Sealing/candle wax per pound 1 gp
Large belt pouch 1 gp   Sewing needle 5 sp
Small belt pouch 7 sp   Signal whistle 8 sp
Block and tackle 5 gp   Signet ring or personal seal 5 gp
Bolt case 1 gp   Soap per pound 5 sp
Bucket 5 sp   Spyglass 1,000 gp
Heavy chain per foot 4 gp   Large tent 25 gp
Light chain per foot 3 gp   Pavilion 100 gp
Large chest 2 gp   Small tent 5 gp
Small chest 1 gp   Thieves' picks 30 gp
Common cloth per 10 square yards 7 gp   Torch 1 cp
Fine cloth per 10 square yards 50 gp   Water clock 1,000 gp
Rich cloth per 10 square yards 100 gp   Whetstone 2 cp
Candle 1 cp   Wineskin 8 sp
Canvas per square yard 4 sp   Winter blanket
Chalk 1 cp   Writing ink per vial 8 gp
Crampons 4 gp      
Fishhook 1 sp      
Fishing net, 10 square feet 4 gp      
Flint and steel 5 sp      
Glass bottle 10 gp      
Grappling hook 8 sp      
Holy item (symbol, water, etc.) 25 gp      
Hourglass 25 gp      
Iron pot 5 sp      
10 foot ladder 5 cp      
Beacon lantern 150 gp      
Bullseye lantern 12 gp      
Hooded lantern 7 gp      
Good lock 100 gp      
Poor lock 20 gp      
Magnifying glass 100 gp      
Map or scroll case 8 sp      
Merchant's scale 2 gp      
Small metal mirror 10 gp      
Musical Instrument 5-100 gp      
Greek fire oil per flask 10 gp      
Lamp oil per flask 6 cp      
Paper per sheet 2 gp      
Papyrus per sheet 8 sp      
Parchment per sheet 1 gp      
Perfume per vial 5 gp      
Piton 3 cp      
Quiver 8 sp      

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