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Material Possessions

The following is a list of anything and everything you'd need to purchase in the game, and probably several things that you've never even heard of. First, before you even bother looking at the lists, you should understand how the monetary system works in this game. Everything is coin-based, meaning that paper money has yet to exist, coins are worth their weight, almost reguardless of where they're minted, and although bartering still exists, it's not as frequent as it could be. This world has Copper, Silver, Gold, Electrum, and Platinum. A table of their relative worth can be found at the Currency Conversion Page. Since most things are priced at Gold, a Copper is worth .01, a Silver .1, Gold 1, Electrum 5, and Platinum 10. You'll also notice on the chart Arena Points (AP). AP is described in further detail at the Arena Info Page, but essentially you'll note that they're VERY difficult to get your hands on.

Anyway, the full list of combat-related items (or, at least the ones that are commonly accepted as combat-related) is on the Weapons List Page. To understand the details on how weapons and combat work, check out the Combat Page. With that noted, the next section is the Armor list, where you'll find a full listing of any form of clothing that grants a protective benefit in combat. Afterwards, you can look at the Full Item List for anything and everything you could possibly find a use for. If there is something you're looking for, but couldn't find, e-mail me, and I'll be more than happy to price it and add it. Just make sure that you give me a description, so that I'll know what you're talking about. After all, if it's not there, than I probably haven't heard of it.

Finally, for GM's, or those of you who are interested in planning special powers for your items, a list of costs for magical powers, as well as a few other GM notes reguarding magical items can be found at the Magic Item Chart page.

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