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Masters of the Old Powers, Magi are the most feared and respected of the guilds in the Runerealms. It takes great strength of mind to wield magic effectively, so Magi are required to have a great intellectual potential, as well as a fair amount of general wisdom. A powerful user of the arcane arts is always welcome in a group, so many people try to learn these powers. A few succeed, and the rest are turned away as not being smart enough. Once training is offered, apprentices are given an Advanced Education, followed by training with various magics of the student's interest, with a few exceptions. No student is taught how to manipulate time, and only a rare few are either interested in or capable of learning the powers of divination. Upon completion of their training, all Magi are granted two Runes which they studied with, and have been taught 3 different spells that they can cast with the Runes they begin with. As their capibilities improve, they are taught new spells by their guild, and due to their intense mental training, Magi often hire mercenaries as bodyguards because they lack the capibility to defend themselves properly when it comes to close combat, considering that there was no time for lessons in martial combat. Mages also tend to be well liked in groups for their ability to not only provide support in combat, but aid the wounded, coerce prisoners, and almost anything else they wish to learn beforehand. Though it's not too difficult to get into the guild if you are already a member of another, it still costs 800,000 GP.

All Magi wear a set of three rings, each on a specific finger. They wear a ring with the six element runes (Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Lightning, and Poison) engraved in it on their dominant index finger. They wear a ring with the four powers (Life, Death, Magic, and Time) on their off hand index finger. Finally, they wear a ring with the five concepts (Creation, Divination, Body, Mind, and Transmutation) on their off hand ring finger.

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