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Magical Items

Identify: 5 PP
Alignment: 5 PP, after identification
Change alignment to or from Neutral: 20 AP
Change alignment from good to evil, or vice versa: 50 AP

Only Platinum, Gems, and Rosewood may be enchanted
Unadorned minor Jewelry has a 1 in 10 chance (0 on a D10) of being enchanted.
Jewel adds one to the chance per 1,500 GP value of the gem, and grants a +1 to rolls on the chart.

  1D10 Creation:
1 Next Chart 10 AP per spell (ignore if cast while made)
2 Strength 5 AP per SP cost of spell
3 Dexterity 25 AP per supplemental spell
4 Constitution 15 AP per Stat. Plus
5 Intelligence 20 AP per Skill Plus
6 Wisdom 25 AP per Weapon Plus
7 Charisma 15 AP per Weapon Racial Plus
8 Luck
9 Re-roll with +1 bonus
10 Next Chart with +1 bonus
11 Choose from either chart with +1D6 bonus

1 Re-roll with +1 bonus
2 Fighting
3 Thief Skills
4 Spellcraft
5 Accuracy
6 Dodge
7 Re-roll with +2 bonus
8 Choose with +1D6 bonus
9 Special

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