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Skills List

Skill Stat Base Description
Ambush Wisdom Theft Percentage chance to effectively set or detect an ambush.
Appraise Wisdom Theft Percentage chance to accurately determine an item's value.
Blind Fighting Luck Fighting +1 to maximum level of all combat skills when unable to see.
Climbing Dexterity Theft Percentage chance to scale a wall, climb a rope, or generally haul your own weight vertically.
Conceal Wisdom Theft Percent chance to hide something from the view of others.
Conjuration   Spellcraft +1 to base level of all Conjuration spells
Disarm Traps Dexterity Theft Percentage chance to disarm any detected trap.
Disguise   Theft or
Percentage chance to disguise yourself or someone else. Diplomacy only applies when disguising self.
Etiquette Charisma Diplomacy Percentage chance to be able to follow etiquette in any location.
Divination   Spellcraft +1 to base level of all Divination spells
Enchantment   Spellcraft +1 to base level of all Enchantment spells
Footwork Dexterity Dodge +1 to avoiding things by stepping out of the way.
Foraging Wisdom   Percentage chance to locate food in the wild, and determine if it's safe to eat.
Grappling Strength Fighting +5 to strength when attempting to physically restrain someone
Healing   Spellcraft +1 to base level of all Healing spells
Hide Dexterity Theft Percentage chance to avoid visual detection
Illusion   Spellcraft +1 to base level of all Illusion spells
Invocation   Spellcraft +1 to base level of all non-spellcasting powers (items, natural powers, god and granted powers, etc.)
Kick Strength Fighting +1 to attack when using a foot.
Land Navigation Wisdom Accuracy Percentage chance of finding your way on land.
Language Intelligence   Percentage chance to correctly speak or read the chosen language.
Lip Reading Intelligence Diplomacy Percentage chance to correctly read the lips of someone speaking in a known language.
Magical Theory Intelligence Spellcraft ½ may replace any magic type for purposes of base level bonus (ie Charm, Necromancy, etc.). Additionally, counts as a Science.
Math Intelligence   15%=4 function, decimals, and fractions. 30%=Proportions, negatives (pre-algebra). 45%=Algebra. 60%=Geometry 75%=Trigonometry 90%=Pre-Calculus 100%=Calculus
Mounted Combat Dexterity Dodge +1 to avoiding things while riding a mount. May not exceed Riding skill.
Necromancy   Spellcraft +1 to base level of all Necromancy spells
Parry Dexterity Dodge +1 to avoiding things by deflecting them with an object in your hands, or using them bare.
Perform Charisma Diplomacy Percent chance to succeed when using chosen perfoming style.
Philosophy Wisdom Diplomacy Percent chance to rationalize something. May be used to avoid confusion, or cause it with someone.
Pick Lock Dexterity Theft Percent chance to succeed in opening a lock.
Pick Pocket Dexterity Theft Percent chance to succeed in picking a pocket.
Riding Constitution   Percent chance to succeed in riding any animal.
Sciences Intelligence   Knowedge in a science. Sciences include: Alchemy, Biology, Botany, Chemistry, Demonology, Geology, Oceanograpy, Physics, Theology, etc.
Rune   Spellcraft +1 to spell level range with chosen rune in spells cast.
Seamanship Wisdom Accuracy Percent chance to tie rigging, set sails, navigate on water, steer a ship, etc.
Summoning   Spellcraft +1 to base level of all Summoning spells
Swimming Constitution   +5 to Constitution checks for swimming
Tracking Wisdom   Percentage chance to follow a trail, discern the events that took place bsed upon examining a location, etc.
Tumbling Dexterity Dodge +1 to avoiding things by jumping or somersaulting out of the way.
Unarmed Combat   Fighting +1 to attack when not using a weapon
Weapon   Fighting +1 to attack with chosen weapon
Weapon (Ranged)   Accuracy +1 to attack with chosen ranged weapon
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