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Character Traits

Character Trait Cost Description
Advanced Education -4 Specific skills: Read Common +30%, Speak Chosen Language +20%, Math +20%, Science of Choice +20%, and Skill of Choice +20%
Ambidexterous -2 May fight "Case", or switch dominant grip on 2-handed weapon without penalty
Blind +4 Cannot see. All combat skills are reduced to the level of Blind Fighting.
Categorical Inability +6 Chose Combat, Magic, or General skills. The chosen skill type requires twice the amount of points to advance each level. Re-usuable
Categorical Talent -6 Chose Combat, Magic, or General skills. The chosen skill type requires half the amount of points to advance each level, rounded up. Re-usuable
Chivalry +2 Must follow the code of Chivalry.
Competetive +1 -10 to charisma of active (level 2 or higher) members of chosen guild. Re-usable
Debt +X Owe X favors to chosen NPC.
Demigod* -X Random god/goddess is character's parent. Consult god list for cost, as well as other side affects. May not be taken with Demonspawn or Immortal.
Demonspawn* -X Random demon/demoness is character's parent. Consult demon list for cost, as well as other side affects. May not be taken with Demigod or Immortal.
Dyslexia +2 -20% to reading or writing any language
Enemy* +X Chosen NPC is a mortal enemy. Position/resources of enemy determines the point value. Re-usuable
Enhanced Senses** -4 Doubles the chances of success for any check based off of senses. Also gives a +3 bonus to Blind Fighting.
Favor -X May call upon X favors from a chosen NPC.
Feality +X Must do bidding of a chosen NPC. Position/resources of "leige" determines the point value.
Fear* +X/5 -X to your Diplomacy with chosen race. Re-usuable
Free Soul +5 Can't be ressurected
Generous Guildmaster -3 Start with an extra spell rune, or with 15 extra skill points. Re-usable
Hatred* +X/5 -X to Diplomacy of chosen race. Re-usable
Heirloom* -X Start with one magical item that the character has inherited. X may not exceed 5. Re-usable no more than 3 times.
High Standings*† -1 +10 to Diplomacy with Nobility/Royalty of chosen race or kingdom. Re-usable
Immortality -10 Highlander-style Immortality. Humans only
In Exile*† +2 Not allowed to enter home town without disguise.
Longevity** -X lifespan=100+100X
Low-Light Vision** -2 Can see twice as far as normal in poor lighting conditions.
Magically Adept -3 +1 to all Magic skills. Re-usable
Magically Inept +2 -1 to all Magic skills. Re-usable
Negligant Guildmaster +3 Start with one less spell rune, or with 15 fewer skill points. Re-usable
Noble Blood* -3 Double Starting gold after all Modifiers.
Old Soul* -X Start with +X levels in a chosen skill, or +10X% in a non-combat skill. Re-usable
Phobia*† +X Choose a phobia. Must react to the subject of fear in a fashion dependant upon the point value. Re-usuable.
Physically Adept -3 +1 to all Combat skills. Re-usable
Physically Inept +2 -1 to all Combat skills. Re-usable
Piety*† +2 Must follow the code and ethics of a chosen god.
Poor Family* +X -X Platinum to starting Money
Poor Standings*† +1 -10 to Diplomacy with Nobility/Royalty of chosen race or kingdom. Re-usable
Quick Study† -3X +10X% to all earned experience
Resistance**† -2 50% resistance to chosen elemental rune or magic type. Re-usable
Rich Family* -1 +5 Platinum to starting Money. Re-usable
School of Combat -1 Receive a +1 to 3 different specific skills based upon a chosen combat style. Re-usuable
Slow Learner† +3X -10X% to all earned experience
Specific Inability +3 Choose a specific skill. The chosen skill requires twice the amount of points to advance each level. You may receive an extra 10 skill points to start instead of taking the Character point bonus. Re-usuable no more than 3 times.
Specific Talent -3 Choose a specific skill. The chosen skill requires half the amount of points to advance each level, rounded up. You may pay 10 skill points instead of paying for the Character point cost. Re-usuable
Visual Problem† +X Unless wearing glasses, -5X% to reading or writing any language, and all combat skills either suffer -X, or are reduced to the level of Blind Fighting, whichever is higher.
Undead** +/-X Varies with undead type.
Weakness† +2 50% weakness to chosen elemental rune or magic type. Re-usuable

*Requires justification in the character's background description.
**May not be taken, unless otherwise specified (ie racial requirement, demigod gift, strong reason given in character background, etc.)
†May be taken after initial character creation.

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