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All over Me



*All Over Me*

SheridanLF AKA Janine

[Author Note: Song By Blake Shelton.]

There was a time
I really used to care about what others thought
And the way they talk

I am an idiot. That’s all there is too it. For my entire life I was worried about what other people thought, what they said when I wasn’t there. I was all about appearances and I, Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald, had to have the most perfect appearance in the world. I was an officer of the law, a man who had given up his life to take care of his mother and siblings…

And the man that won the heart of Sheridan Crane.

Of course, that in itself became the talk of the town and being with a celebrity made both of us objects of ridicule by the newspapers. I don’t remember my picture being on the front page of anything as often as it had been on The Daily Private Lives while I was with Sheridan. But that’s another story. My point is that the character everyone saw was important to me. I couldn’t have a flawed name and I couldn’t be anything less than respectable…

In a crowd
I used to pull away when she would kiss my face
And touch my hair
She didn't care who saw

That of course was something hard to deal with by most of my dates. Beth had wanted to have fun when we were together. But I was the only male role model my siblings had and I had to show them how to be decent, caring adults. Fooling around wasn’t an option I had as a teenager and when I left Beth, it was the first thing the other girls had to deal with. Not that there were many others. I was working full time to help Mama support Theresa and Miguel AND send money to Tia Maria who was taking care of Paloma.

So, I spent the better part of my life dateless until Sheridan came along, though Beth and I tried to hook up again for a while. It wasn’t anything like the feelings I had for Sheridan, so I guess it was pretty stupid to have even considered it. But I loved Sheridan and when we hooked up I was in heaven. But sometimes it was kind of embarrassing…

I wasn’t a man that was into public displays of affection and Sheridan, well she believed you could never show your love enough, no matter where. When we were out in public, even if it was something like the tree lighting, Sheridan was more than willing to run her hands through my hair or kiss me cheeps and lips and hang all over me. She didn’t care if someone saw us and when I begged her to stop she would say

“Luis, we’re in love and people know that. Just relax and enjoy it baby…I want to show my love to the world!”

I guess I should have realized how important that kind of thing was…

She was all over me
And I used to let it get all over me
And now to prove that I love her
I'd crawl on my knees for the whole world to see
Now that she's all over me

I miss her hanging all over me, her lips whispering things in my ear when people were watching. The way she would laugh at silly little things and make plans for the two of us without my realizing it. She was always so wonderful and I would do anything to prove that I loved her, even if it meant walking on hands and knees down the main street of Harmony, begging the world to see how much I loved her. I would do anything she asked…

But she’s gone.

The sky is blue
But from where I stand in the middle of this heartache
It sure looks gray

What have I done since she left? Not much. Basically wandered hopelessly around town, praying that I would see her somewhere…


Not that she’ll ever come back. Sheridan is long gone now. I lost her in the beautiful blue waters of Bermuda…


The sky is blue, just like Sheridan’s eyes were. That crystal blue shade that meant she was truly happy. But I haven’t enjoyed the sunny skies or the chirping of the birds that are heading south this winter. I miss Sheridan so much that my heart only aches. It doesn’t do anything but hurt, especially when I think of her. It makes everything seem so…




All alone
What I wouldn't give if I could feel
The familiar touch of her love holding me again

I would give anything in the world to be with my Sheridan again. I miss her so much. She left me the cottage and some of her money, but I would give it all up if I could have Sheridan back just one last time. I miss her hands on my body when she thought I was sleeping or the way she would kiss me after she fed me something she had tried making.

But I’m alone and there’s no one here for me…

Not Mama, she’s been worried about Theresa…

Not Theresa, she’s marrying Ethan…

Not Ethan, he’s busy trying to set up a law firm and protect his mother…

Even my friends don’t care; they keep pressing me to forget Sheridan and move on, like it’s that easy! I loved Sheridan; we were soul mates. Our hearts and lives were bound together and going on without her just hurts too much…

Far too much…

She was all over me
And I used to let it get all over me
And now to prove that I love her
I'd crawl on my knees for the whole world to see
Now that she's all over me

And now I still think back to those times without her and I wonder if I was a fool. She was doing things to me in public that may have been embarrassing but I would do anything to have her back. I was such as ass all those times, telling her to leave me alone and not to be so forward in public. I regret it…I regret every minute of hating her…

Of treating her poorly because of her last name…

And to get her back I would crawl naked through a desert and across the globe…

But she’s gone…

In heaven…

Watching over me…

The End

This story in is in no way meant to infringe upon the rights belonging to , NBC, or any entity thereof. All rights to Passions and any related content, including characters used, belong to "Outpost Farms Production Inc", James E. Reilly, and NBC.
This story is the property of the author. Copyright 2001. Nothing may be reprinted in whole or in part without the written permission of the author.
All Over Me- Copyright © 2001 - All Rights Reserved.

Copyright ©2000 SheridanLF