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Martimmy Awards (2000)

** Learning to Love Her won best SHUIS
** I Will Remember You won best Savy
** Not So Different Won best Kase
** Janine for Best Author
** Nikki Crane won best new character
** The Princess Within won best incomplete
** Death of an Innocent won best tear jerker
** Second Chances won best Juvy

Tomato Soup Cake Awards (2001)

** Learning to Love her won Best SHUIS fic
** Nikki won Best new character
** Death of an Innocent won best incomplete fic
** Janine won best author
** Unforgetable (UAgirl) won best cast fic.

My site won Ally's Passions Page awards (2002):

I won The Face award on May 12, 2002:

Copyright ©2000 SheridanLF