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Samus Aran

Samus Aran is a powerful super-bounty hunter.


Crystal Flash: This can be a lifesaver, but unfortunately requires Samus to be at almost nil health; 29 or fewer out of 1499 possible.It also requires having at least 10 Missiles, 10 Super Missiles, and 11 Power Bombs. However, it replenishes Samus' HP to large proportions, possibly full.

SSB Challenge: Samus Aran can challenge enemies to a Super Smash Bros. match.

Super Jump: If Samus is in Speed Booster run, then she can duck and leap almost infinite distance. Problem? It does damage to her, and smashing into the ceiling also hurts.

Wall Jump: Samus jumps off walls and can make it up long, vertical passages.


Chozo Space Suit: I must break the alphabetical order here. Samus' one and only piece of equipment of note is her Space Suit. She also has a spaceship, but that's less pressing. This space suit is another true dynamic weapon. Samus can develop her skills and unlock new powers from the suit. She can also upgrade it, and does frequently. For instance, when Mother Brain kills the Baby Metroid, her anger unlocks hidden power within the suit and allows her to use the Hyper Beam. The Hyper Beam destroys Mother Brain utterly and blows apart nigh-invulnerable barriers in one hit.

Bombs: Samus must morph into the Morping Ball to drop these bombs. She has unlimited, but they don't do a lot.

Charge Beam: Samus can charge her shots OR go into a ball and drop 5 Bombs.

Energy Tanks: Samus gets up to 14 Energy Tanks, each holding an additional 100 Energy. With all the tanks, her HP levels are actually quite high.

Grappling Beam: An energy beam that appears to work like electricity, can work underwater, can grapple onto things, and so on.

Gravity Suit: This increases the protection to 75% and allows full mobility in all liquids, and protects Samus from lava.

Hi-Jump Boots: These boots let you jump like 5 times your height.

Ice Beam: Activate this to freeze your beams.

Missiles: The Missiles do more damage than most weapons (besides the Plasma Beam). However, he gets 230 and it can be used to open doors.

Morphing Ball: This lets Samus roll into a little ball, drop Bombs/Power Bombs and sidle into passages. It can also be used as a defensive measure to make Samus a smaller target.

Plasma Beam: This is Samus' most powerful non-ultimate beam and greatly enhances all damage and feature capacity.

Power Bombs: These Bombs fill the entire screen with a scathing yellow light. These explosions blow up most everything in the screen, including minor enemies. Of course, it must be done in Morphing Ball.

Reserve Tanks: Samus gets 4 Reserve Tanks, each holding 100 Energy. However, it can be used to activate when reduced to 0 or lower HP.

Screw Attack: When Samus Space Jumps, this protects her and slashes enemies.

Space Jump: This enables unlimited jump/air capacity.

Spazer: This splits Samus' beam into 3 different sections.

Speed Booster: If Samus has a long runway, she can go insano speeds, mow down enemies and leap insanely high.

Spring Ball: Samus can jump at her normal height while in ball form.

Super Missiles: These super-powerful missiles do extra damage and cause the entire earth to shake. She gets up to 50. They have 5 times the power of regular Missiles.

Varia: These offers 50% damage reduction and protects against heat.

Wave Beam: This makes Samus' beam wave and such.

X-Ray Scope: This allows Samus to see hidden walls and passages.

Bosses for Boss Master Unlocked:





Ultimate Equipment:

Supreme Chozo: The Supreme Chozo is the ultimate capacities of the suit. From here on, only the power increases; nothing new and dynamic shows up; like Gohan in Dragon Ball Z during the Cell Games, she has achieved the pinnacle of new dynamic upgrades.