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A Note on Challenges:


Challenges can be pretty annoying, and possibly deadly. The point of Challenges is not to empower those people who have been in several games, but to show multiple facets of a character. A Challenge is applicable if you are using a character who has been in a game before. You can challenge your enemy to a duel that is roughly the same as the game he came from. For instance, let's say you send out a party of 3 people to duel an enemy. One of them is Mario, another is Heinz Faust, and the last is a Glitter Boy Killer. Mario can challenge his enemy to a Super Smash Bros. fight, a Mario Golf match, a playing of the original SMB game, a race through levels from the SMB 1, and countless other things. Heinz Faust, on the other hand, can only challenge his enemy to a Carmageddon race. And the Glitter Boy Killer cannot challenge his enemy, because he has only been in Rifts and Final Battle is too close to Rifts. He might be able to do a Semi-Challenge, modifying current FB rules to more closely reflect Rifts, but that's it.

The intent of a Challenge is to put your opponent into a bad position. You see, if your enemy refuses a Challenge, he must suffer a penalty of some sort. Depending on how much power and risk you put into the Challenge, the penalty becomes worse. However, if they agree, their character might die or be crippled as far as the game goes. But any shrewd player will quickly realize that not all Challenges are necessarily bad. The person might be surprisingly excellent at the game you choose. For instance, let's say the Glitter Boy Killer is challenged by Giant DK. If this were in a Rifts situation, any player would quickly realize that this is exactly the sort of type the Glitter Boy Killer excels at attacking. The GB Killer was designed to fight a large and powerful but clumsy and immobile enemy: the Glitter Boy. The GBK has numerous advantages. He can slice Giant DK to ribbons with wicked vibro-blades, he can fire from distances using grenades, railguns, lasers, ion, plasma, etc. Thus, he seems to have a distinct abiltiy to fight Giant DK. Heinz Faust might not have fared so well.

Please be careful and have fun using Challenges.

Advantages of Certain Challenges:

Super Smash Bros.: This style of Challenge is great to use for a few reasons.

1. There is no maximum HP. HP totals are shown to some extent by how far someone needs to get damaged for throwing, but even then it matters little.

2. Damage dealing capacity also doesn't matter as much. Attacks must direct people away and down to the "ceiling", "floor" or "walls" of the stage in order to be successful; a very powerful machinegun blast will only hurt it's target, not accomplish those goals. This makes many technological characters much weaker, because they must use rockets or something in order to get quick kills.

3. Flying people, people who can jump high, people who can hover, and so on, are great in these battle arenas. People who can't aren't so good.

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