Notable Places
Final Battle World
Bowser's Keep: The castle of Bowser. Bowser's Keep lies on a outcropping surrounded by miles of deep trench. The only connection is a huge drawbridge.
Byblos: An occupied city, Byblos has several ancient spells residing in it.
Empire: The Empire is a cronie of the All-Monster, one of the creature's many ways to gain influence in this world and allow it back into this realm. The Empire has a Main Continent, an Occupied Continent, and various other small victories.
Galathrion: The famous fortified city of Galathrion. Galathrion trains some of the best Dragon and Eagle Riders in the world, and breeds/fosters some of the best eagles and dragons. The powerful air force, the fervor of the people, and the amazing fortification (Galathrion is a city built into a mountain plateau with fortification all around) make it an extremely difficult target to take. Unfortunately, with the assistance of the Avatars, the Empire intends to take Galathrion in it's second invasion campaign, and they appear to be quite capable of doing so. Only the Final Battle team will be able to provide enough firepower to even the match.
Imperial Capitol: This city is the seat of the Emperor, where all the new technologies and training is made.
Ranger Headquarters: A massive installation where the running of the Rangers (diplomacy with other forces, information databanks, other administrative duties) is run. Most Rangers handle their business in the smaller Ranger Stations around the globe or on other planets, where one can do what the standard "foot-solder" Ranger is supposed to do: find a job, do it, get paid, party, and move on. Besides the bureaucrats, the big-leaguers go here. There are two noted types of big-leaguers: independents and administrators. Both groups are likely to have been decorated and are truly excellent champions of the Ranger goals (including justice, truth, love, joy, and so on). However, the independents are those like Thrash and Badcat. They are excellent, exemplary members of the organization, but they tend to be slightly unorthodox and sometimes go where the Rangers as a whole dares not tread. The leaders generally feel that they have sacrificed the fun of being out on the battlefield for the mantle of leadership, in order to help those such as Thrash and Badcat; Xenocratis falls entirely under this category. The leaders are often here, the independents visit sometimes.
Ultimate Shop: The Ultimate Shop is in fact a multi-branch entity. It has two other branches and is interested in making more, hopefully able to be dimensionally connected. This main one is the best, however. It is mobile and has a security system designed to repel gods and similarly powerful things! Furthermore, it is a sort of brewing place for ideas, so any attempt by anyone to invade will not only be met by the amazing security system, but those inside; frequent visitors include TekhMage, Thrash and Badcat, and other such personas. Thus, invasion by even those such as the Splugorth, Naruni, etc. is utter suicide. However, the Ultimate Shop doesn't push their luck.
United States: The United States as a place is quite different from the United States as an entity. The United States as a place is comprised of regular people and super-heroes/vigilantes. These people are not the government. The super-vigilantes often go against the government; whether this is positive or not is debatable. However, the United States as a place is a place to find numerous Fated Ones, including the X-Men, the Fantastic Four, Whitie and Blackie, I Should Slap You, the Vigilante 8 characters, and several fighting game people (like Guile).