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Severe Threadscore

This encompasses all serious injuries that are to the body of the dragon as opposed to the wings. Wing injuries require a highly specialized technique, and are covered in the Wing Damage target. The symptoms are again clean lacerations of a burned nature with blackened edges, though much deeper and more widespread than those covered in the Basic Threadscore target. Ichor may be pooling from severed vessels (generally veins, as arteries are too deep to be affected by most Threadscorings). Rider and dragon will both be distressed to varying degrees. The assistance of a queen dragon may be required to restrain the injured dragon if the Threadscoring is severe enough in nature.

Assess the situation: The rider should still be conscious, though more than slightly distressed at the condition of his lifemate. For severe bodily scorings, the assistance of a gold dragon will be required to dampen the pain and keep the dragon still enough for you to do your job. Take control of the situation, but make sure you ask the rider before approaching the dragon. A large animal in pain could equal Shredded Dragonhealer if you're not careful. Get the details of the injury from the rider, inasmuch as you can.

Determination: Where is the injury? How widespread are the lacerations? How was it obtained? How exactly did the clump of Thread strike the dragon? Keep talking to the rider if at all possible, to keep him lucid and in the here-and-now. It is also useful to keep the rider from panicking at his lifemate's injury. Do your best to assess exactly how the clump of Thread hit the dragon as this can help determine the best way to treat the wounds.


1. If wound has become dirty, clean quickly and thoroughly with redwort solution.
2. Coat wound thoroughly with numbweed.
3. Use surgical clamps on either side of any severed vessels to restrict the flow/loss of ichor and to make your job easier.
4. Suture any severed vessels as quickly as possible without rushing. The longer tissue is left without a steady ichor flow the less healthy it becomes. However, this is no excuse for rushing and making avoidable mistakes.
5. Remove clamps.
6. Clean out the wound with redwort. Check for formation if ichor around the vessels. It may be necessary to clean away some of the numbweed with oil-soakedcloth pads. This is important, so check carefully. You may need to reapply the numbweed after this step.
7. Stitch together muscle, then hide.
8. Apply numbweed to the entire stitched area.

Recovery: Severe scorings are likely to keep the dragon out of the air for at least a sevenday, if not more. It is vital during recovery time that the dragon replace lost fluid. A tub of water should be kept near the dragon at all times.

© 2000 Eliwys
Last updated August 2000

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