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Trainee Dragonhealer Program

Trainee Dragonhealers must meet a number of targets. These are as follows:

1. One lesson to be roleplayed with the teaching dragonhealer. The student may select the target to be roleplayed, or he/she may leave it up to the discretion of the teacher.

2. One lesson to be +mailed to the teaching dragonhealer. Again, the target may be chosen by the student or left up to the teacher's discretion. The +mail must be story form--i.e. the student was faced with this situation and learned how to deal with it, rather than the technical wording of the website information.

3. One exam, to be roleplayed out by the student with the teacher, covering at least three of the targets listed in the outline.

4. One other target, to be completed in either +mail, roleplay, or email format. This to be left to the teaching dragonhealer's discretion.


Advanced Diagnostics: Ability to identify less readily-obvious ailments and identify the necessary cure.
Eye Problems, Cardiovascular Complications, Dehydration, Dislocations, Talon Loss and Advanced Wound Care.
Drawing of Ichor: The theory and practical behind the process of drawing ichor from one part of the dragon (or another dragon) and applying it to the part in need.
Severe Threadscore: Treatment of severe scoring on the body of the dragon, and basic scoring on the wings.
Advanced Bonesetting: Treatment of compound, green-stick, multiple fractures.
Advanced Pharmaceuticals: Techniques involved in preparing pharmaceuticals for use on dragonkind from available raw materials.
Wing Damage: Treatment of all wing injuries, from wrenched wings to shredded wing fabric, and techniques involved in finer repairs.
Exam: The Capable exam will consist of identifying a seriously ill or injured dragon, determining the cause or causes of its discomfort, and administering a cure or cures. The illness will be one or more of those covered in the Training targets. Once passed satisfactorily, the student has graduated to Capable and has completed the course of study.

© 2000 Eliwys
Last updated August 2000

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