X-Men Alpha Enemies Log

Omega Red
Their first encounter with an actual enemy the X-Men have faced, Omega Red was a rutheless warrior. Almost killing a majority of the new team, he was taken down by a quick idea thought up by the team's psychic, Kingdom. This Russian is not to be tracked or fought under any circumstances.
Status:Unknown Location

The Watch Tower
A secret orginization that houses mutants on an island somewhere off the coast of one of the continents. No one knows what the Watch Tower does or who runs it. All that is really known is that they bring mutants to their island to live in peace from the world of humans. The Watch Tower gathers these mutants by using a band of mutants called The Enforcers.

The Enforcers A group of mutants that gathers mutants to live on an island in peace. This band of mutants has a variety of skills and methods of gathering mutants and bringing them to the island. Though their motives are not known, this group should be handled with extreme caution.

Stigmata is the combined mind and bodies of Professor Charles Xavier and his son, David Haller. These combined mutants are a very powerful threat and should not be taken for granted. He is ruthless and merciless and will not show pity on those weaker than him. Stigmata used images to trick the young mutants into thinking they were being attacked by someone else. These images were of some of their greatest foes. All the attacks before and during their time on the team, were all done by Stigmata himself.
Status:In protective custody under the Mansion
Known Kills:Captain America, Storm, Bishop, Iceman, Colossus, Psylocke, Nightcrawler, Phoenix, Gambit, Angel, Wraith

Mr. Sinister aka Nathaniel Essex
Known for his many experiments on mutant kind, Mr. Sinister has been not only a formidable foe but also a great alley. Trying to free himself from his master, Apocalypse, Sinister has done various experiments for him. Sinister captured the young mutants and changed them. He enhanced their current abilities but also gave them a downside.
Note: This was only an illusion. They have not met the real Sinister.
This ferocious killer has done many things in his life time. Not only was he a candidate for the adamantium that was placed in Wolverine, he was also a candidate for becomine one of Apocalypse's four horseman. He was chosen to become death. Sabretooth's greatest foe, Wolverine, was also chosen for this position. Wolverine won and had his adamantium returned to him. Later, Sabretooth did get adamantium from an unknown source. This now makes him a deadlier foe than before.
Note:This was only an illusion. They have not met the real Sabretooth.
One of the deadliest foes the X-Men have ever faced, Magneto has continued to believe that Xavier's Dream is wrong and that humans should be scared into this belief. The two have fought many battles but neither one has actually harmed the other unless necessary. Magneto has become a powerful alley at times but this is not to be taken likely. He has been known to turn on an alley once the objective has been completed.
Note:This was only an illusion. They have not met the real Magneto.

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