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The War Room

The War Room

"X-Men Survival Guide to the Mansion" Vol. 1, No. 1, August, 1993, Copyright and Trademark of Marvel Comics & Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc

This is the War Room, debriefing room of the X-Men. I am the computer, here to guide you through the mansion. Be careful as you walk the the halls here for you might end up in an area that you should not be. There are some restricted areas here but those shall be open to you after you join. If you need to contact me you can drop me a line.

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X-Men Omega Files

X-Men Platinum Team Bios(A Previous X-Men game long since played)
Xavier's Staff and Associates

X-Men Mansion

Mission Debriefings

Powers, Skills, Misc.

Enemies and Allies
X-Men Alpha (Not for the weak at heart)
Message Forum
Link to Wolf Island Den(Home of FXchopshop and his pack of wolves)
Link to HBK's site( He's got some magic spells and psionics. Very cool.)
Link to the Mecha Pantheon (This is Ash's site. Lot's of Robotech stuff.)


02/20/02 - Yeah I know it's been a really long time since I have updated this page. I've been working on another page of mine and ran out of ideas for this one until I realized that I needed an area for Enemies and Allies so I made that plus redid the background. It's been two months and we haven't ran a game and I am going to try to run one soon but I am unsure about when due to a new baby. Her name is Molly Jasmine and she was born on December 30, 2001 at 11:18 pm. That's also another reason why I haven't been working on my page. But have no fear, I do have some new ideas and I am going to try them out.

12/06/01 - Well the page has gotten some major revamping. I added a few new pics to the page such as a picture for the main page, a picture of the Blackbird, a picture of the new uniforms and a picture of some equipment. As you can tell, the bios page is no longer known as "Black Team Bios". It's now called "Platinum Team Bios." When I restarted the game, I decided to rename them the "Platinum" team. The Black team was the original team and since the team disbanded, this new team has a new name. I am also trying a new concept with this game. Instead of only having one GM, there are two. This allows everyone to get into the action. I find that this will probably turn out really good. There is nothing else left new so I'll see ya next time.

12/01/01 - Ok well it's been a while since I last updated my page. I've added an Allies page to the Alpha site and have added a few new things to the War Room area. In the Misc. area, I've added X-men Vehicles, Equipment, Enemy Armor and Enemy Robots. I've also added a few new things to the Major Powers section. And I've also come to this conclusion for my game. When I started my game. I used a character from a game ran by a friend of mine as their leader. Well with everything that has gone on, it's come to me that things have gotten out of hand with this game. I've decided to make this game end and start a new one in the year 2005. I've been thinking this out and it's come to a great insite that this would be for the best. Too many NPCs plus the characters have gotten away with too many things. Allowing a 19 yr old to have a 800 hp Firebird Convertable is way too much, though he was able to afford it, it got too out of hand. Plus I've just can't seem to think of anything to run so we've been playing BS games. With this new idea, it gives me a fresh start into the game.

11/13/01 - Here are the latest updates: Added a animated gif at all the links on the War Room page, added a picture for a character in the Black Team bios, Bangle has a pic up in the Alpha area, Badger of the Enforcers as a picture up, also put the background on every page on the Alpha site, also updated the Alpha Mission Debriefings since we gamed not too long ago. I think that's all of them but I'm not sure. If you want more details on what's been going on, check this site for more updates.

11/01/01 - Ok, I redid a few things on the page. I made a "back to top link" on the psionics, skills and minor powers pages. I also updated the bios area on the War Room site. Also made the link to the Enforcers bios on the alpha site active. There aren't any pictures there but there will be some up soon. It really sucks not having a scanner at home cause then you can't scan anything you want. Oh well. Keep an eye out for more updates. That's all for now.

10/11/01 - Well the page has gotten some new things added to it. I made it easier to get minor powers and skills. Instead of having to scan all the way to see what is there. There are links at the top of the page that will take you to the specific skill or power. Also the Mission Debriefings for the Alpha page is caught up with the game. It tells a story instead of just telling you what happened. Also to make it more interesting, I added pictures of various villians so that if you have never seen them before, you get to see what they look like. That's all for now so stay tuned.

10/02/01 - I am doing some re-arranging in the site. The NPC stats for the Black team is being redone. Instead of having all of the stats on one page, you'll get an individual stat for an individual character. Plus the picture is also enlarged. Sorry but you won't be able to copy the picture. Now with this new change, you can get the NPC that you want instead of having them all.

09/26/01 - A new pic is up in the bios area of the Alpha site. Currently working on enlarging the pics so that you can see them better. The Mission Debriefings in the Alpha area is also getting some stuff added to it. The skills are coming along better than expected also working on added some new powers so keep an eye out for that. Also, to navigate to my web page easier, instead of having to type that long addy, I've got another short one for you, it's "" without the quotes. You wouldn't believe how many people type quotations in that. Until next time. See ya when you get here.