Archon aka Erik Jameson
Age: 18/Male
Level: 2
Alignment: Scrupulous
Height: 6’0"
Weight: 220 lbs.
Hair: White
Eyes: Frost Blue
IQ 26
ME 27
MA 28
PS 42
PP 20
PE 25
PB 26
Spd 15
Birth Place: Unknown
Residence: Westchester, NY
Date of Birth: May 4, 1985
SDC 114
HP 59
AR 4
ISP 37
Save vs.
Magic, Spells: +8
Magic, Ritual: +8
Magic, Circles: +8
Magic, Wards: +8
Lethal Poison/Hard Stun: +8
Non-Lethal Poison/Stun: +8
Drugs/Toxins: +6
Insanity: +11
Psionics: +9
Coma/Death: +40%
Horror Factor: +6
Perception: +0
Combat Stats
Combat Style: X-Men Hand to Hand
5 Attacks Per Melee
+0 Initiative
+6 Strike
+7 Parry
+6 Dodge
+0(19-20) Disarm
+0 Trip
+0 Combat Perception
+7/0 Roll/Pull Punch
+27 Damage
+1 Team Attack
+6 Maintain Balance
Standard X-Men Platinum Team Armor
Mutating IQ
Healing Factor
Wingless Flight
Minor Psionic: Total Recall
Special Combat Maneuvers-
1. None
Special Abilities -
+10 to Dodge when flying 80 mph or below
+12 to Dodge when flying 90 mph or higher
+4 to Damage for every 20 mph
Can fly at 240 mph +20 mph per level.
Recovers 3 SDC every 10 minute/18 per hour/424 per day
Can regenerate 4D6 HP or 6D6 SDC 2x a day
1 hit point every 15 minutes/4 per hour/96 a day
Fire, cold do 1/2 damage
No scarring when healed
Skills of Note –
Basic Electronics, Computer Repair, Basic Mechanics, Aircraft Mechanics, Acrobatics, Land Navigation, Wilderness Survival, Pilot: Motorcycle, Navigation, Navigation: Space, Read Sensory Equipment, Weapon Systems, Radio: Basic, Computer Operation, Computer Hacking, Basic Mathematics, Research, X-Men Skill Program, Cooking, Poetry, Gardening, Fishing, Singing
Psyche Profile –
Forteen years ago, the X-Men and myself (Charles Xavier) went on a mission into the Savage Land to try and end a plan of worldly devastation created by Magneto(see file 47324 - Magneto). During this mission, we laid seige to Magneto's citadel where an intense battle ensured. During the battle, Magneto escaped to a hidden chamber, Wolverine pursued an almost defeated Magneto into, of all places, a nursery. It was here Magneto clutched a small boy to his chest, the child was no older than two and was Magneto's own son. Placing the child aside Magneto turned to Wolverine and said to him "Logan, this grows old as do I. I am tired and beaten down from these constant battles. I have failed all of mutant kind and more importantly, my only "caring" son. My dream, my war and extinction of homo-sapiens will never be, mayhaps Xavier's dream is the answer. Take good care of my son Logan, and make sure he will live in a world different then our own." And with that, he hugged his son once more and handed him to Wolverine, and turned his back to them both. Wolverine knew what was to come next and left with the boy, gathering the rest of us as he did. Minutes later, the citadel collapsed. Magneto's body was never found, but then again when is it, though this time, I feel my old friend is gone for good.
The next year was not very good for the boy. He missed his father and felt out of place. As well as not knowing his full name or who his mother was, he was full of emotional problems. Jean and Scott quickly took to him, giving young Erik the love they could not give Nathan.
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