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Enemies and Allies

Enemies and Allies

The X-Men have many allies and it is important for all students to know who they can trust. The X-Men also have many enemies, some more powerful than others. I have taken it upon myself to compile a list of all known allies and enemies and those who are deceased, believed to be deceased, missing and active. I hope you will take careful consideration about who you talk to for you may not know if they are your ally or your enemy.
Charles Francis Xavier

One of the most powerful enemies that the X-Men have faced, Apocalypse is very deadly and very cunning. His idea that Humans are to be enslaved by mutants is one that I have been fighting for many years. If ever faced, beware of his various abilities, and that he has lived for many years before us.
Cannonball aka Samuel Guenthrie
One of my students, Samuel has left to pursue his own venue. On occasions, he has returned to help but is troubled by things that go on. Trying to reconcile with things yet to be done, Samuel has kept his distance from the new team for various reasons.
Classification: Ally
Magneto aka Eric Lehnsherr
One of the most powerful enemies my X-Men have faced. He has proved points about the human race but I still stand by my dream. Though Magneto is one of the X-Men's enemies, he is also one of the greatest allies. He has helped with many tasks and has left without words. I only hope that one day, my dream will become a reality so that my old friend will stop his rampage on man kind.
Classification: Neutral
Status: Missing
Meltdown aka Tabitha Smith
Tabitha joined my students to learn the use of her abilities better. After some time, she left with a few others to start a new team. From time to time, she has returned to help us with various things. After an incident with the homicidal maniac known as Sabretooth, Tabitha left to figure things out for herself.
Classification: Ally
Status: Active;Location Unknown
Mr. Sinister aka Dr. Nathaniel Essex
Sinister has been watching over all of my X-men since the shcool has started. Though not aware of it at the time I opened my school, Sinister had been plotting to capture Cyclops and Phoenix from the beginning, hoping to make the perfect being. Sinister always remains in hiding until least expected. Be advised that he is not to be underestimated.
Classification: Enemy
Status: Unknown
