Mission Briefings

Gameday - 11/20/01 - After a battle with an A.M.P. suit, the team returned to the mansion. Oliver returned to England to rejoin Excallibur, seeing that he wasn't needed with the X-Men. David called up Stan and asked if he would be interested in returning to the team. After getting a plane ticket in the mail, Stan was ready and headed off to the airport. After getting there, Stan ordered lots of parts for his 98 Civic and finished fixing it up. Wanting to finally open the Civic up, Stan and David headed into town in their own cars. Upon leaving, the met up with Antony, who had been visiting various states while he was gone. Antony followed them wondering what was going on. Upon pulling up to a light, Stan was about to race a Porche Boxster when David got a call from Antony. The light turned green and Stan and the Porche were off. They headed down the road at about 150 mph when Antony flew passed them in his highly modified 99 Firebird Trans Am and left them in a trail of smoke. Antony pulled into a gas station to fill back up and Stan and David pulled in behind him in their cars. Stan filled up his car and David filled up his Hummer. They all talked about what had happened while they were all gone from the team. As they were inside a group of people pulled up and began to mock Stan's ride. They all had imports and challenged him to a race. He took it and they followed them to a place that was like a scene from a movie. They raced and Stan won. The next day they headed of to Seatle, WA. They found out that 4 mutants had gone missing and began to search the city to discover what had happened. They looked in the areas that the 4 mutants had disappeared, David looking at the lake and Stand and Antony looking at the library. David discovered that there had been a battle with the young girl at the lake. He noticed that there were blast marks all over the place. Antony and Stan decided that it would be best to return later that night due to the fact that there were too many people around to do a search. They all regrouped at the County Auditorium and discovered that there was a meeting of the Sons of the Future that night at 7:00 there. They decided to come back then and see what they could find out.

Gameday - 08/24/01 - Three years have passed since the event in Aspen and the team has been reassembled except for a few. With Ash's decision to leave the team, everyone feels that it may lead to things becoming much worse than they already are. Ravager, Knight, and Oliver have joined up together and upon leaving the city of San Francisco, ran into a small problem. Upon leaving the airport, the three young mutants have discovered that an anti-mutants terrorist group has gotten ahold of some government property and plan to stop them. They followed the group of people, and soon discovered that they had taken on a task much more fierce than they thought. In the back of the truck the terrorists were driving was a smaller version of the A.M.P suit. It activated itself and began to battle the chase the young mutants away. They regrouped back at the plane and headed back for the mansion. After discovering the whereabouts of the base, the Black Team heads off to the bay of San Francisco to an abandoned warehouse. When they entered, they discovered rows of boxes ten feet high with nothing inside them. A short time later, an A.M.P. suit came up from underneath them and attacked. The battle was a fierce one and nothing seemed to affect this monstrous suit. Ravager took heavy hits and was knocked unconscious. Knight and Oliver fought for their lives and when all hope seemed to be lost, the A.M.P. suit was destroyed. Oliver entered the Blackbird while Knight grabbed Ravager and they returned home.

Gameday - 08/01/01 - After returning from Aspen, Ravager discovered something very disturbing. He found out that a band of mutants was attacking an auditorium where Senator Kelly would be speaking about human/mutant relations. Hoping to stop them if they later returned to the crime scene, Ravager set up camp at the auditorium. After a few hours, Ravager was surprised by the band of mutants but to his shock, they didn't attack him. The leader stepped foward and made an offer to Ravager. "Why pursue a dream that will never happen." he said. "Because a dream is all we have." Ravager responded. Upon that, the leader attacked Ravager and overwhelmed him. After the battle ended, the leader left but without leaving him something that he couldn't forget. An erray of attacks that only one person could know about. After they had left, Ravager returned to the mansion without haste and searched through Ash's things, hoping that he wouldn't find anything but to his disappointment, Ravager discovered a disk with an detailed plan off attack at multiple auditoriums. At the last auditorium, Ravager arrived to see his ex-teammate standing against a light post as if he were waiting for him. He then explained that Xavier's dream had no purpose at all and that it was futile to pursue it.Ravager tried to convince him otherwise but failed. Ash soon left and Ravager was left there standing in disbelief. He thought "How could someone who believed in something so much, just give up?" That is something that no one shall know for now.

Gameday - 04/14/01 - The young X-Men return to the mansion after a short battle with an unbeatable force. While the X-Men handle this threat to humanity, the X-Brats decide to head to Aspen, Colorado for some fun in the snow. Upon their departure, the Brats are introduced to Ash's cousin, Oliver, who has come to America to join the X-Men in an attempt to help them in future battles. After a short flight, the young mutants make it to Aspen and start out their vacation with some skiing and snowboarding.

Gameday - 03/25/01 - Alex and Stan have been left in Japan. Upon reaching the states and returning to Westchester, Alex was shown around the manion's grounds. After a short stay, Stan and Alex regroup with Antony and David, their third comrade missing somewhere in Salem. After discovering how the alter moves and discovering a coastal pattern in the killings, the X-brats head towards New Orleans to find out if their assumptions are correct. The young mutants head to the bar known as the Dungeon and end up having an enlightened experience. Finally deciding to work for once, they head towards the warehouse district and find a warehouse that seemed unoccupied. Upon entering the warehouse, they discovering that they were too late and someone has just been recently killed. Alex scans the area and gets a faint scent of a dog coming from the roof. He heads towards to the roof and finds a man standing there in full Egyptian dress, with the head of a jackal. After a short battle the soon discover the plans of Anubis and that was to resurrect the other Gods. Anubis leaves and the young mutants return to their room for a nightly stay and to regroup and figure out if this mission and task is too great for them to handle.

Gameday - 03/03/01 - After a nights rest, Antony and Marcus decide to search out their missing comrades only to find David. While two of their team mates are missing, the team rushes off to the states to unravel the most recent events. Upon watching a recorded news broadcast, the team discovers that a total of 6 girls have been sacrificed for an unknown reason, the 6th one being the one that was just killed the day before. But all have things in common. The girls were between the ages of 16-21, they were all virgins and that the places that they were killed were all abandoned decorated in Egyptian ornaments. While waiting out the police and FEDS, the young mutants plan out their next move.

Gameday - 02/02/01 - As the team plans to investigate several murders. A small group of the youngsters decides to find out on their own what is going on. After discovering that the owner of the Medallion of Anubis was a man named John Woo (eh go figure, how many John Woo's could there be in Japan), David, Stan and the newest team mate, Alex, head to his place to find some much needed answers to a few perculiar questions. After getting a source of transportation from a local vintage dealership, the young X-Men run across a jewelry heist in progress. After attempting to stop the three robbers, they soon discover that these robbers are much more than they seem. The robbers begin to show of a few of their own powers while attepting to escape the their prize. After a short battle, the robbers escape but at the cost of one of them having a broken neck.

Needing a nights rest, the young mutants head of to Alex's place, where the relax with good food and good entertainment. The next morning, while traveling by bus, they spot the robbers from the night before and attempt to stop them once again only to discover that the Tokyo police have stepped in to prevent any further damage from going on. In an attempt to flee the seen, Alex takes his fellow team mate Stan hostage in order to confuse the police in letting them go. As the planned failed to work, Alex and Stan find themselves being held temporarily for disorderly conduct in a public area, luckily for them.
