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X-Men Omega Timeline

X-Men Omega Timeline of Events

Time: Present
Date: October 3, 2003

Until 5 years ago, the human race has lived in fear of the “genetic defect” they call mutants. Now they are the dominant race and the mutants are the prisoners. “Free” mutants live within the states, ridiculed by the humans for existing. They live with internal tracking devices, so that the government may track their movements. Mutants, who did not take to the human movement and did not choose to be governed by the new laws, were transferred to the island off the coast of Africa known as Genosha. This island prison is the current home for 35% of the current mutant population.


  • Year: 1983
    The United Nations begins a debate on whether or not to begin mutant concentration camps to keep them from dominating the world. Mutant sympathizers speak out in a hearing so that they might voice the opinions of some that choose to remain nameless in this issue.

  • Year: 1986
    The United Nations refuses the sanction to make mutant concentration camps. A representative stated “It would be unethical to the human race to do something so inhumane. We would be repeating something that was once started by Hitler and chose not to become something that everyone strived to end. The Holocaust was something that everyone dreaded and saddens all of us and we decided it was the best for humanity that the concentration camps were not necessary.

  • Year: 1989
    The United States begins their own debate on whether concentration camps are necessary. The ruling in the House was unanimous. They would begin designing a system of tracking mutants. Tracking devices, guns, vehicles, and control devices were designed to help aid the humans in this campaign. These devices would not be built for the next few years due to the lack of technology the United States had at its disposal.

  • Year: 1993
    The Senate has passed a law stating that all mutants will be cataloged and either tracked. Any non-conforming mutants will be treated as a national threat.

  • Year: 1994
    The United States announces that they are proceeding with the mutant concentration camps. They have said that they will begin to catalog all known mutants starting in early 96. All those not catalog will be imprisoned at “The Rock”. In the news, Tony Stark announces he is Iron Man. He states “I will be taking the contracts for the equipment the United States is planning to manufacture for the mutant camps. I have hired Forge to help my company with this task, as he is familiar with alien technology having seen it with his own eyes and worked with it. I hope that one day we might live in a world where we do not live in fear of the genetic defects that plague us now.”

  • Year: 1995
    All government funded mutant groups such as X-Factor, The Fantastic Four, and the Avengers have been disbanded. Captain America has announced he is joining the campaign against mutants in order to help his country. A fully funded government agency has been formed to track all mutants and catalog them. Any mutant not conforming with this sanction will be imprisoned or terminated

  • Year: 1996
    The equipment needed by the United States has been completed. The nation has begun gathering all known mutants and cataloging them into a database so that they may be tracked. All lethal mutants are being placed in the now active mutant prison of Alcatraz. The free mutants are being injected with a nano-tracker, which will allow them to be traced wherever they are in the world.

  • Year: 1997
    The United Nations has announced they will be going forward with the same law that the United States has passed. All known mutants will be cataloged and tracked. All un-willing mutants will be imprisoned or shot on site. The island known as Genosha has been reopened as a mutant prison. All government sanctioned mutant groups have been disbanded and all have been taken to Genosha.

  • Year: 1998
    The Anti-Mutant group known as Faction X has begun an all out attack on known mutants. With the help of Capt. America and Iron Man, they attacked Magneto’s Asteroid M fully disabling it. At 2:17 AM on December 31, 1998, Magneto fell and the battle was won but at the cost of losing America’s Greatest Champion, Captain America. At 9:00 am, an attack on the known base of the X-Men was initiated. All but 3 mutants were killed in an attempt to bring them to justice for the vigilante acts. This was the greatest slaughter in this world’s history. The news noted that 146 mutants were killed in the raid, 2 were injured. The renowned scholar and geneticist Charles Xavier was killed in his office at 11:21 AM, ending the school.

  • Year: 2003
    5 years after the events of the “New Years Eve” slaughter, every mutant has been cataloged in all countries but Canada. Canada remained free to all humans and mutants, though the Canadian Government has disbanded any of its groups. Magneto’s Asteroid M has become a museum for current history. The Xavier’s Institute for Higher Learning are just remains of a mansion and underground facility. The Fantastic Fours base is a high tech lawyer’s office. The previous base of the Avengers has become the new base of Faction X.


    Faction X

    Faction X is a human based group of mutant police. Their technology is the most advance in the world having Tony Stark fund it along with Forge’s knowledge of Shi’ar technology. Their weapons are 50 years ahead of its time. Since the founding, Faction X has captioned 547 known mutants, cataloged them and sent them to live in the states or sent them to Genosha. For their excursions to the free nation known as Canada, Faction X uses a more lethal approach. With the technology provided, Faction X has been able to subdue the most lethal of mutants. Currently having 10 known mutants in control, they are attempting to use at least 5 more that remain to be unknown at this time. Some of the most known are the mutant known as Wolverine and Sabertooth. To the public, these special agents are unknown and so are the missions. Having no real record of the hidden mutants, there is no way to trace them back to their headquarters. For the common mutant, only a low-level troop is sent out for capture. For the more powerful mutant, a higher troop is sent in, sometimes even the special troops are sent in depending on the type. For all Omega Class mutants, the special agent troops are sent in for the capture, using almost any means to recover and tag.

    Statistics for the Common Faction X Troop

    HP: 30
    SDC: 15
    Armor: 50
    AR: 13

    The Mutant Underground

    The Mutant Underground is an organization of “Pure” Mutants, those who have not been implanted with a tracking nanos. This organization began in early 1999 and has kept is whereabouts secret. Their current standing is at 2500, about 25% of the mutant population. Keeping no “Flatline ” as a contact, they keep to secrecy, building their organization so that they might take back their freedom from the United Nations. With advanced technology, they are able to track all unknown mutants along with those whose genetic structure might possibly mutate at a later date. Only the founding members know what the technology is and how they came about it, and they are not telling anyone. Having bases in almost all countries, these mutants pose the biggest threat to humanity’s ideal world.

    Genoshan Government

    A council of the brightest mutants known to man rules the Government of Genosha. Dr. Hank McCoy sits one of the highest seats on the Genoshan council and is also one of the islands doctors and geneticist. This council sets the rules for Genosha and it’s penalties for breaking those rules. They are enforced by some of the more powerful mutants that are captive there. Though this island only appears to be a minimum-security prison, the Sentinels that guard the outer perimeter are level in their attempts to keep anyone from leaving or entering the island. Anyone attempting to break any mutant out, and is captured, will become a resident of the island and will be under lock and key until the Council decides otherwise. Any mutant attempting to escape and that is captured, will await a trial and the consequences are decided at that time. Any mutant making it out of the island perimeter then faces the barrage of guns, anti-mutant equipment, and Sentinels.

    The X-Men

    Recently restarted after the emergence of 3 unknown and untagged mutants, this group is still in the works. These 3 walked upon the remains of the school and found the database of mutants that would be enrolled into the school before the laws were passed. They headed to the free country of Canada and found another mutant that was to be enrolled in the school. The soon discovered that his parents were apart of that school at one time. With their help, these young students will become the last hope for their kind to rekindle the dream started by the late Charles Xavier. With the recruitment of two more mutants, this small class will start something that will either lead to the destruction of mankind or the salvation of all mutants and humans alike.

    Three of the current team member’s parents were previous members of the X-Men and two are currently related by unknown means. Hoping to rebuild the school are the foster parents of one of the team members. With their knowledge of the technology that was once used, they were able to rebuild parts of the underground base where the X-Men once used. With the help of others that were affiliated with the X-Men, the Blair family hopes that they will be able to rebuild the underground base so that it will become fully operational.

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