
Real Name:___________________

Age: _______________ Level: ______
Alignment: ______________ Experience Points:______________
Height: ________ Weight: ________
Hair: _________ Eyes: _________
IQ ____ ME ____ MA ____ PS ____ PP ____ PE ____
PB ____ Spd ____
Stats Considered Abnormal: _____________________
Birth Place:
Residence before
joining X-Men:

Date of Birth:
SDC _____ HP _____ AR _____ PPE _____
CHI _____ ISP _____
Save vs.
Magic, Spells: _______
Magic, Ritual: _______
Magic, Circles: _______
Magic, Wards: _______
Lethal Poison/Hard Stun: _________
Non-Lethal Poison/Stun: _________
Drugs/Toxins: ________
Insanity: _________
Psionics: _________
Coma/Death: _________
Horror Factor: ________
Perception: _________
Combat Stats
Combat Style: _______________
_______Attacks Per Melee
_______Pull Punch
X-Men Armor: AR: 10 ; SDC: 100


Special Combat Manuevers/ Special Abilities -

Skills of Note -

Psyche Profile -

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