Adventures in the World of Wearth

Game Session Twenty Three (a)

Game session Twenty Three (a): Saturday November 16, 2002

The Party at the Start The Party at the End
Moss - Half-Elf (Rng7) Moss - Half-Elf (*** Dead ***)
Flairian - Half-Elf (Brd7) Flairian - Half-Elf (*** Dead ***)
Ulfgar - Human (Mnk1/Wiz6) Ulfgar - Human (*** Dead ***)

Link to last game
Link to Player Map 1

The game session started the morning of Harvester 14, 3080 YE. The party is mourning the lose of Rhino and resting in the back room of the ogres den. They decided to take a day to rest and recover spells and heal back up.

Once fully healed and rested the three heroes decide to investigate once again the secret door they found at the opposite end of the corridor from where they have been staying. Going down to the secret door they carefully head down the narrow passage beyond. Finding that the passage ends in a door Ulfgar, who was in the lead, opened the door and looked in side.

By the light of his torch Ulfgar could see that the room was a large star shape chamber with a pentagram inscribed in it's center. At the points of the star were piled wooden coffins to numerous to count. The coffins had all been broken open. Also piled in the corners he could see heaps of armor and weapons, along with the glint of coins. In the wavering torchlight he could also see the forms of over a score of hunched humanoids, obviously ghouls, that started gnashing their teeth and heading toward the door. tgt_ghoul.gif (20559 bytes)

Thinking quickly, Ulfgar shut the door. immediately he could feel the door being pulled open by the undead on the other side. Moss and Flairian quickly headed back up the corridor. After a moment they are followed by Ulfgar, who released the door and ran down the corridor, followed by the undead.

As Ulfgar came to the secret door at the entrance to the passage he turned and cast a lightning bolt back down the passage (now filled with undead). This managed to clear the passage of undead, and he quickly shut the secret door. Unfortunately not before Moss had gotten sickened by the stench of one of the more powerful ghasts.

After waiting a bit, expecting hordes of undead to burst through the secret door, they opened the secret door a bit and looked down the passage. From where they stood the passage looked empty. Lighting some more torches they wedged them in cracks in the passage wall, lighting the corridor. After waiting a bit longer, with still no undead hordes pouring after them, Ulfgar sent his familiar Dweezil down the passage to scout. The weasel went all the way to the end of the passage and found the door at the end shut tight again.

Getting tired of waiting the three members of the party creep down the passage and opened the door again. Again undead began to pile into the corridor. As they quickly retreated Flairian fired a fireball from his wand down the corridor. This cleared all but those few closest to them, who attacked. Moss bravely stood in the secret doorway holding back the undead.

As the passageway filled up again with undead, first Flairian, then Ulfgar become sickened by the stench. Flairian shot another fireball from his wand, clearing the passage of undead, as Ulfgar cast a flaming sphere.

As the three party members defend against the undead attacks Moss is the first to become paralyzed from the touch of a ghast. Once Moss falls he is quickly followed by Flairian. The last to become paralyzed from the touch of the undead is Ulfgar. And the last thing he sees before all goes black is the sight of undead leaping upon the bodies of his comrades with tooth and claw.

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And here, on the evening of Harvester 15, 3080 all the party members are dead, Rappan Athuk having claimed yet another group of adventurers who had dared to brave the Dungeon of Graves.
Link to next game.

Current Character Health/Status
Moss *** Dead ***
Flairian *** Dead ***
Ulfgar *** Dead ***

Unanswered Questions:

Session Twenty Three (a)  Experience


Next Level



Page Last Updated Saturday, January 18, 2003