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from January 20, 2002

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[Chavez] [Freedom]

WOD Gaming Notes for 01/20/2002



 After meeting with Carter, at the Ozzymandaius, Chavez headed to his car in the parking garage.  In only a whisper, Chavez heard his named called out.  It was Mr. Blue of the Caitiff gang.  Mr. Blue told Chavez of someone high up in Carter’s gang was going to betray him soon.

 After a bit of conversation, Chavez left in his new car for home.  After a couple of minutes, Chavez received a phone call from Sera saying that she was having car problems and she was at the Enchanted Forest.  Chavez quickly made a U-turn and headed to U-City.

After arriving at the Enchanted Forest, Chavez checked out Sera’s car.  After a few minutes of troubleshooting, there was no luck starting the car.  He got a weird feeling about the car and started looking around it.  Dripping from the rear into a puddle was brake fluid.  Time to call a tow truck and the mechanic!

 After the tow truck arrived, Chavez and Sera headed home, via I-44.  At the 270/44 interchange, 3 black Semis blocked Chavez in as they were crossing the Meramec River bridge entering into Fenton.  The Semi in front lowered a loading ramp, on wheels, and the Semi from behind started speeding up, trying to force the car into going into the trailer of the Semi in front.  After a few bumps from behind, Chavez tried to slam it to the floor and get in front of the Semi to the right, but then the Semi from behind bumped really hard and Chavez almost lost control, going halfway up the ramp, but just then they crossed over the bridge and Chavez jumped the car off of the ramp and into the median with a crash, and slid the car sideways.  Luckily, Chavez was able to gain control and gunned the gas and punched back onto the highway and easily flew past the Semis.  Of course, with a bit of damage to his car, the red lights of the dashboard starting going off.  It was starting to overheat.

Chavez made it to the 44/Bowles Ave. exit with two motorcycles following him and not much time on his hands.  He flipped open his cell phone and called Sammi at the studio and alerted him to come outside with guns packin’.  After flying through the industrial park, Chavez made it to the studio with motorcycles in chase and slammed on the parking break, sliding into the parking lot.  He jumped out of the car with guns a blazing as a motorcycle headed straight for him and then drove up his car and jumped over it.  Right at that moment Chavez got decked in the face with enough force to knock an average man head over heals, dropping his gun.  Stumbling, Chavez regained his senses and started to attack his assailant, which happened to be Lorenzo, one of Haley’s underlings, but not before another couple punches landed on Chavez, knocking him to the ground.  At that moment, Sammi side-kicked the Lorenzo, giving Chavez a chance to gather his wits.

Chavez arose to his feet and threw a wicked punch at Lorenzo’s head, but to his disbelief, Lorenzo easily deflected the punch.  From behind, Chavez could hear Sammi engaged with someone else in combat.

Chavez unleashed an assault with a tomahawk, striking Lorenzo in the shoulder, paralyzing his right.  Lorenzo instantly turned around and ran for cover, leaving the scene.

 Sammi, still engaged in combat, with what looked to be one of Carter’s boys, Ugly James, Chavez tried to jump in and subdue, but not before Sera ran up and put Chavez’s gun to James’ head, instantly stopping the fight.  That moment, Chavez got on the phone and called Carter to let him know of James and the Black Semis with the Rose logos.  Carter said he’d be there momentarily.

 Carter arrived within 15 minutes with his gang, howling on Harleys.  Carter lectured James and then drove a stake, which looked a lot like the ones Sammi uses, into James’ heart, instantly paralyzing him.  Breaker then took James and broke him up and tied him to his Harley.  After a few minutes, Carter and his crew left to do a little torturing.

 Chavez made another call for a tow truck and then to his mechanic.

Sammi, Chavez and Sera then left for Sammi’s condo.  At the condo, Chavez asked if anyone was there, meaning could someone take Sera home, but Sammi mistakenly thought that Chavez was meaning was there a woman in the condo.  Sammi said “NO” and then went to the bathroom.  All of a sudden, Chavez heard someone stretch and yawn on Sammi’s couch.  After a moment of conversation, it turned out to be Liz, Sammi’s new girlfriend that he met in Chicago.  She apparently came down for the week to stay with him.  Sammi came out of the bathroom and Chavez said, “You didn’t tell me that you had company!”  Sammi, kind of embarrassed, introduced Liz and then Liz went to bed.  Chavez then asked Sammi if he was feeling frisky, saying it was time to pay Haley a visit.

 Chavez then made a call to Adam, asking him if he would like to join them to pay Haley a visit.  Adam said he’d meet them on the Landing in about 30 minutes.

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Back in New York, Freedom was sleeping, having a dream about sitting in his Durango, then all of a sudden a blue, plastic wrapper dropping into his floor board.  Freedom then awoke with a fright, with hairs on end, sweating.  Freedom then got up and went to have a drink of water.  The next thing he knew Anna was crying needing her diapers changed and a bottle.  Freedom then took her downstairs and started working on his music assignment for his class.  Anna easily went to sleep with the soothing music playing.  Out of the corner of his eye, Freedom noticed someone walking passed the basement window in his back yard.  Freedom grabbed Anna and went upstairs to put her in bed with Jess.  He then went to the back door and quietly went outside.  He noticed flashing lights, from the police, up the street and someone hiding behind his air conditioner in the back yard.  He easily snuck up on the person hiding and grabbed him by the back of the neck and then by the arm, asking “Who are you and why are you on my property?”  The person coughed and responded that he was Steve and that they’re after him.  “Get them off of me!,” he said as he coughed up some blackish looking fluid and something crawling underneath the skin of his arms.  Freedom smelled worm taint.  He struggled to remain composed with the stench in his nostrils.  Steve then began to struggle under Freedom’s grasp.  With disgust, Freedom slammed the person in the back of his neck, knocking him to the ground, out cold, but with this blackish fluid splattering up into his face.  At that moment, Freedom recoiled as the police had their lights on him, wondering what in the world he was, as his was changing into his crinos form.  He then jumped the fence and ran into the neighbor’s yard and then leapt up to the rooftop and easily escaped the police.  He ran down a few streets until he came upon a church.  He went into the side alleyway and happened upon an unlocked door.  Once inside, Freedom smelled the soothing smell of what seemed to be a cairn.  He followed the scent, which led him into the basement to an empty wall.  He sidestepped into the umbra and found exactly what he was looking for, a cairn.  He then entered in to the pure waters of the cairn to cleanse himself of the wyrm taint the was spewed all over his face.

Freedom cleaned up and sidestepped back out of the umber, only to be face to face with what looked like a priest.  Freedom apologized from trespassing, but to his surprise, the priest was a mage and wasn’t too offending by his trespassing.  They made introductions and Freedom explained his situation.  Before he left, the priest gave Freedom a flask, filled with the waters of the cairn.  Freedom thanked the priest and headed back home.

Magnus was up watching TV when he got home.  They chit chatted for a moment and then Freedom started cooking breakfast.  Magnus complained about something stinking outside.  They went to investigate.  The smell came from 3 colored crystal which reeked of wyrm taint.  Freedom went in and got the flask and poured a few drops on the crystals, which instantly dissolved them.

Fast forward & summary…..Freedom went to school and discovered a lot of people with wyrm taint are around campus.  He found out that he had left his homework assignment at home, so he went to the student union to download his assignment from his Yahoo briefcase.  Was almost late getting to class.  He discovered, to his embarrassment, that his assignment zip disk was corrupted, ruining the file.  Kept breaking guitar strings in his Classical Spanish Guitar class, to which he discovered he had grabbed the wrong guitar strings.  Someone loaned him a pack of decent strings and he finished up with class.  He went to the student hall to rework his assignment for his CSG class, which his disk was corrupted.  He then took the assignment to the teacher after completing the tablature. During his second class, he was having problems staying awake.  This class was his 3 hour lab.  During class, Freedom started to doze off and had another dream about his nightmare from earlier that morning.  He suddenly awoke to the neck on his acoustic splintering.  He asked to go get his other guitar out of his truck, but when he got there he found out that he forgot his other guitar at home, remember that Magnus was playing with it and forgot to put it back in its case.  A girl in one of his classes let him borrow her guitar for the remainder of class.  Toward the end of class he got a page from preschool and found out that Magnus was being teased by a wyrm tainted child.  He took Magnus out of class and to lunch with him.  They went to McDonalds and then back home to relax and grab his other guitar and a few packs of decent strings.  He then headed back to campus with Magnus in tow.  He decided to stop and get a coffee before heading to class.  He ended up running into the girl who loaned him her guitar.  He asked her to have a coffee with him, before he took Magnus to daycare.  The whole time Magnus kept telling the girl that she wasn’t his mother.  He then took Magnus back to daycare with Anna and then went to his next class.  Of course, as the day got worse, he was running late to this class and had to participate first.  He played his class work and then went to his desk.  As the lack of sleep grew on him, he easily drifted off to sleep.  He next awoke to someone pushing on his arm.  It was another student, who luckily copied the next assignment for him.  He then rushed to pick the kids up and headed for home.  At home, he argued with Magnus for cussing.  Jess came home and they had dinner.  He then discussed with Jess about Magnus mentioning about Caitlyn giving her some vitamins, which he discovered were still at home in St. Louis.  The vitamins are wyrm tainted.  He told her not to take them and asked about Caitlyn.  During this entire time, Magnus was grounded to his room, but of course kept pushing the fact.

Long story short, Freedom warned Jess to stay away from Caitlyn because she's acting abnormal.  Caitlyn came over the next day and ended up staying for lunch.  Freedom cringed at her being in the house, with her strong smell of wyrm taint.  She mentioned that she had some modeling gigs for some makeup company and said she'd be in New York for awhile to do a few photo shoots.  She gave Maggie some gum, which happened to be manufactured by the same people who make the vitamins that she has been taking.  Freedom didn't find out about the gum until Caitlyn had left.  He had to force Maggie to give him the pack of gum and warned him to stay away from "Aunt Caitlyn."  

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