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Cast of

From the dawn of time we came, moving
silently down through the centuries, Living
many secret lives, struggling to reach the
time of the gathering, when the few who
remain will battle to the last, No one has
ever known we were among you......until now.
			- Highlander, The Movie

The characters that I'm going to go into background details about are as follows:
Chavez Stormcrow (Immortal), Kane Darcy (Immortal), Freedom Windwalker (Wendigo Werewolf), 
Gideon Alexander (Virtual Adept Mage), Adam Ravenoff (Orphan Mage), and Sammi Lynn Wylde 
(Cult of Ecstasy Mage).  These are the characters that are currently being played in our
WOD campaign.  They have faced evils beyond all of mankind's wildest nightmares and surprisingly
are still here, in one way or another, facing new and unusual evils.

Some of these characters, ran either by T-bone or myself, were originally from a different campaign
and have found their way into the current campaign.  If you have been to St. Louis, Missouri
or even live here, you can imagine the general setting, except imagine it with Vampires, Werewolves,
Mages, Immortals, Changelings, Wraiths, Demons, Angels, and Super Secret Government Agencies.
These are some of the things they face on a day to day basis.

Anyways, enough of my rambling and on to the Background Stories!

Chavez Stormcrow - PC
[A immortal who was an original member of the Sioux Nation before the
time when the "white man" took their homes and sent them to reservations]

Freedom Windwalker - PC
[Ahroun Wendigo who is currently the rhythm guitarist in the band Faith-Keeper]





~More to Come, Soon~

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